Im in Block C room 079A.........whats wrong with 70! Sounds bad...
Ooooh - well lets just say I hope they have redecorated. I was in 68 which is the floor below (69 and 70 are on the 4th floor). The previous tenants were well known to be the wildest in the whole block and they had done everything from throwing plaster on the walls, flour on doors to stuffing key locks with gross *stuff*. If you are in 79 I think you are in a different building anyhoo, so you'll have nothing to be worried about. But new tenants shouldn't worry either, as no doubt the previous residents were charged for it all and everything is probably in the process of being cleaned/repaired.
I was in Room A - its got a huge window and is slightly bigger than the other rooms. xxx.
Ooooh - well lets just say I hope they have redecorated. I was in 68 which is the floor below (69 and 70 are on the 4th floor). The previous tenants were well known to be the wildest in the whole block and they had done everything from throwing plaster on the walls, flour on doors to stuffing key locks with gross *stuff*. If you are in 79 I think you are in a different building anyhoo, so you'll have nothing to be worried about. But new tenants shouldn't worry either, as no doubt the previous residents were charged for it all and everything is probably in the process of being cleaned/repaired.
I was in Room A - its got a huge window and is slightly bigger than the other rooms. xxx.
Oooo will mine have a big window and be bigger too then? Are all the flats the same sorta? I went to look around but the one we were shown was teeny it was a basement flat. The view was of a wall ha!
Various blocks are set out differently so undoubtedly the rooms will vary in accordance to the block. In my block, Room A had a balcony length window and was slightly bigger than the other rooms. Also the ensuite had a nice wooden door (unlike my other flatmates who had a weird grey coloured one). I think I know which flat they showed you - I think that was Block D or E. My mate was in there - if you were on the right side you would be able to get a good view overlooking fields etc. However the other side was of a wall. Hmm, nice xxx.
thankyou for the information Just gotta hope i get in now hey! x
So is James Baillie Park good then? Yeeeess!!! How is it getting to the uni? I'm gonna sound stupid for asking this but is it a womans' only block, or is it mainly women living there, as when I looked at Halls on the leeds site the only people in the JBP pictures were women, so I was actually a bit worried?
I went for a snoop around the other day while i was visitin my sister in Leeds and its awesome Its about 20 mins walk from university...add on another 5 - 10 to get right into town. The walks nice too. Right down the side of Hyde Park. And its mixed guys and girls! I cnt wait...
You can get mixed and single sex flats. I doubt they will have single sex blocks. The walk down to uni is really pleasant - espicially down North Hill Rd/North Grange Rd. xxx.