The Student Room Group
Reply 1
One that usually works for a little while is honey and lemon. Spoonful of honey and lemon juice in a mug, fill up with hot water. The honey's antiseptic and both are very soothing. The heat will also help to break up the mucus allowing you to breathe a bit better. If you feel like it, add whisky. Doesn't do much, but it tastes great.
Reply 2
Erm.. you could go to the chemist and get that aneasetic ( or however it is spelt ) spray that is what i got advised to buy or they said you can gargle with a paracetemol or aspririn and water.
One thing that's very important when you have a sore throat is to try and keep it as lubricated as possible - that way it will speed up the healing, and make it feel less painful!

Sipping a drink often, or sucking sweets, should help, as they'll keep the throat nice and slippery :smile:
Reply 4
Oooh! Boil up a mugful of turmeric (1 tsp-ish) water and drink up.


Have a spoonful of honey mixed with a tsp of turmeric and have that Have this around 3 times a day. It doesn't taste good but it really works!
Reply 5
definately the anaesthetic spray - i had such a sore throat once i was crying in pain from breathing and it worked wonders, only dont get it on ur tongue cos well it numbs that
Reply 6
Gargle with soluble aspirin. Try some anaesthetic lozenges or sprays. And try drinking tonnes of water as will make you more comfortable, and always supposed to keep well hydrated when ill.
Reply 7
Tyrozets work for me :smile:

They taste nice as well, which is a bonus :smile:
Reply 8
You need to heal it before it gets worse me and my friend both had a throat infection whilst on a school trip to barcelona for 5 days and when we got back i got the spray and it worked and now shes got some really long name of an infection because she caught another infection whilst with the throat infection and is on medication for 6 weeks. Sorry to scare you. We couldnt talk or anything . Possibly it could turn to larinjitus ( dont know the spelling) if i had stayed in spain for more than 5 days it probably would have turned into it.
Reply 9
ok, heres some advice from an expert!

I had tonsilitus for 5 months!

Take Ibuprofin and paracetamol together or an hour apart.

Suck on dequacane lozenges, (from the chemist)
drink warm not hot tea

avoid fizzy drinks

milk shake can sooth but warm seemed to be better then cold for me!