The Student Room Group

Personality Disorders

The last few days I have been conscious that I might have a personality disorder. I decided to take this test here The site says I have 'very high' borderline, with another saying I was 82% borderline.

I was amazed by my results, which are kinda...erratic. I know it's a computer at the end of the day, but even so, does everyone get results like mine? :confused:

My results:

Without being too nosey what results do others get?

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a) it's a computer test
b) "personality" disorders are just indicators based on social standards; the combination of the words "personality disorder" obviously makes us believe that it's some illness (as many people in commercial psychology always tried to do)
Reply 2
It just said I was high Schizotypal, and low/moderate on everything else. But hey - it runs in the family.

It's just an online test. It's not accurate and it can't think for itself. Go to the doc and have a consultation about it if you are worried. It would put your mind at ease, no?
c) long time ago, I, too believed in that stuff - and it actually made my life worse; simply live your life and don't listen to tests! The only person who is able to evaluate you is yourself!
I scored Very High on most of them too, and I dont have a personality disorder. It's an unaccurate, unvalid, non-reliable measure of personality disorders, so dont worry about it.
Disorder Rating Information
Paranoid: Very High click for info
Schizoid: High click for info
Schizotypal: High click for info
Antisocial: High click for info
Borderline: Very High click for info
Histrionic: Moderate click for info
Narcissistic: High click for info
Avoidant: High click for info
Dependent: Very High click for info
Obsessive-Compulsive: High click for info
i got low in most of them, moderate in 4 of them and high in avoidant lol
Ah I remember this test. I have anxiety problems so my avoidant rating came out as high, then rest were low/moderate I think. You'd get a better diagnosis from a doctor, no suprises there.

EDIT: retook the test and got high on avoidant and very high on borderline. Hmm seems as if 'borderline' is far too general to mean anything to me. :wtf?:
Reply 8
Disorder Rating Information
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Very High
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Moderate
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate
Reply 9
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate

Bizarre. Well, not really, since this test works solely on a few stereotypical features of personality disorders, and doesn't address other key factors.

And my psychiatrist wouldn't agree either :wink:.
EDIT: Actually he would. Because he'd want to get rid of me. They all do. They're conspiring against me. They're always talking about me. Just like the voices...
EDIT #2: I lie. The voices don't talk about me. They usually talk about melons. :wink:
Reply 10
The last few days I have been conscious that I might have a personality disorder. I decided to take this test here The site says I have 'very high' borderline, with another saying I was 82% borderline.

I was amazed by my results, which are kinda...erratic. I know it's a computer at the end of the day, but even so, does everyone get results like mine? :confused:

My results:

Without being too nosey what results do others get?

I tend not to believe this online personality-test jiggery crap. People always seem to want to believe they have something dramatically wrong with them.
Don't do them. Its a little bit more complicated than filling in a quiz...
Reply 12
I tend not to believe this online personality-test jiggery crap. People always seem to want to believe they have something dramatically wrong with them.

I am scepitcal of them, don't get me wrong, but was just sort of surprised by the results nonetheless. When you fill in a test like that, you don't expect to get results saying you have this, that, and whatever else it says, even if it is not a professional opinion.
I got 'High' for avoidant which is definitely correct (I also matched all of the 'symptoms' after clicking for more information) and also for Schizotypal -- of which I recognise some symptoms but not others. I think those results were skewed a bit (as the results to these tests always are) by the questions asked.

I don't think these results should be dismissed out of hand, though -- mine seems pretty accurate -- rather it depends on the person. Answering the questions honestly requires quite a good amount of self-knowledge, which is always difficult to attain.
Reply 14
I scored Very High on most of them too, and I dont have a personality disorder. It's an unaccurate, unvalid, non-reliable measure of personality disorders, so dont worry about it.

Couldn't have put it better myself :smile:
Reply 15
Your Results:
Disorder Rating Information
Paranoid: Very High click for info
Schizoid: Very High click for info
Schizotypal: High click for info
Antisocial: Moderate click for info
Borderline: Low click for info
Histrionic: High click for info
Narcissistic: High click for info
Avoidant: Moderate click for info
Dependent: Low click for info
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate click for info

Mine. lol
Reply 16
I tend not to believe this online personality-test jiggery crap. People always seem to want to believe they have something dramatically wrong with them.

Perhaps there's an inner Munchausen in all of us? :biggrin:
I tend not to believe this online personality-test jiggery crap. People always seem to want to believe they have something dramatically wrong with them.

True, lots of people worrying over nothing. Esp with that darn anon function. :rolleyes:

Anyway, that doesn't mean that people with genuinely difficult issues are being melodramatic. The OP should speak to a doctor if he/she is concerned, the test only serves to point out the potential for some mental problems, but as a diagnosis tool, yes its pretty unreliable.
i suggest that you take a real written test provided by some kind of psychologist. my results hardly correlated with results i got in a written personality test. high paranoia was correct. the internet quiz says that my antisocial behavior is low when it is in fact pretty high. i'm pretty dependent as well but the internet test says otherwise. the site itself looks a bit dodgy too :p:
Disorder Rating Information
Paranoid: High
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: Very High
Histrionic: Very High
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Very High
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

Not that I'm going to listen to it or anything, but that's mine, which I took because I'm ridiculously bored right now.