This is about my (ex) flatmate.
Anyway, the thing is, my flatmate was French. We were in the flat alone together for maybe a a few odd days. I feel we became quite close. She was really the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, I feel blessed that she even gave me the time of day.
Examples of the [mutual?] attraction:
* She gave me her credit card to top up my phone when I needed credit
* She asked for my email address to keep in touch
* She would whip me with her hair when she came out of the shower and would have one of those mischievous smiles on
* She would always throw water on me and said 'there's tomato sauce on your back' (to get me to take my top off?)
* The day before I was moving out, she cleaned my entire flat for me (I'm hopeless at cleaning)
* When I cut my finger she treated it with alcohol and bandaged it up etc
* She called me baby boy on MSN and would always send me that rose emoticon whatever that means
And just you know, being nice to me etc and we would have a laugh a lot...
Anyway, she went back to France about two months ago and I haven't heard from her since! I sent her an email about two weeks ago just asking how she was etc and letting he know the 'news' in my life. She hasn't replied and hasn't been online on MSN since she was back in France.
Does she just not want to talk to me? Or maybe her boyfriend has told her to stop talking to me (her boyfriend was in France, I never made a move on her or vice versa)? Did her plane crash? OR maybe she's just really busy with work in France?
What should I do? I want to talk to her and sort of even miss her. She asked me to go to France and see her too...its weird that she would just stop talking to please.