The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I have an interview for a summer job at BDO Stoy Hayward this summer, before I go off to uni. Has anyone do summer for (or other holiday work) for BDO?

sorry to ask - but whats BDO?
Reply 2
Gemma, sorry, not an answer, but how did you find out about the summer placement, its something i really want to do but i dont want to take a whole year out. I have been looking at PWC and they will only offer nine months. Have you got a website i could look at, thanks.

Reply 3
Gemma, sorry, not an answer, but how did you find out about the summer placement, its something i really want to do but i dont want to take a whole year out. I have been looking at PWC and they will only offer nine months. Have you got a website i could look at, thanks.


Thats the same problem that I was having. In the end I just wrote to a load of companies (i think i must have sent letters/e-mailed about 10 or so) and BDO got back to me (they were the only ones that did, I didn't even get any confirmation from any of the firms, not even the people that I e-mailed). In the letter I outlined what I wanted, ie the time period etc. I have another friend that did exactly the same and she has an interview with a local accountancy firm to her. Good luck and let me know how you get on. If you have any other questions just ask me - I have the interview on Thursday, so will let you know the kinda stuff that they are looking for.

Gemma xxxx
Reply 4
Thanks, looks like thats the best plan, don't know how keen they would be to take me as an undergraduate but can't lose anything trying. Good luck with your interview, i'm sure it woill be a great experience if you get it. I would also be interested to see what they ask you... at some interviews they ask the randomest questions...!!