The Student Room Group

The best protein shakes

Ok, so started at the gym blah blah blah.... Went down to my local GNC and was kind of lost at which protein shake to buy. I eventually ended up buying a Holland and Barrett product (having left GNC) as it was the cheapest at 6.99 and contained 90% protein. However, its vanilla taste was disgusting and i now need to try a different one. Any ideas?

I have done a bit of research myself and it seems the general consensus is to go for Whey Protein isolate and the most reccommended is 'Optimum Protein'. Don't know how bias the website is though.

Many thanks for possible advice

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Reply 1
ON Protein is good quality, tastes aren't to my liking mind.

Now I use Reflex Instant Whey, if you're on a budget and don't mind taste then you can get bulk unflavouered protein from, about ÂŁ20 for 5kg I believe, or you can use their branded flavourered whey which is about ÂŁ25 for 2.27kg I think. Use code MP3834 and get 5% off your first order too.

One thing is for sure, don't buy the crap in H&B or GNC. Overpriced and poor quality.
Reply 2
i used myopro 100% whey, brought from here

good stuff, the banana tastes ok, and i could see some real results.
Don't buy 'Body Fortress' whey. That **** is whack!
Reply 4
I'm on Reflex instant whey, planning on moving to 100% optimum nutrition gold standard when i've finished that
Reply 5
I use: Body Fortress - Muscle and Weight gainer

Don't buy 'Body Fortress' whey. That **** is whack!

Uh-oh! Please enlighten me!:eek:
Reply 6
ON 100% chocolate tastes like any other chocolate whey, chocolate mint is far too strong. Cookies&Cream is nasty.

By far the best tasting branded whey I've used is reflex instant whey, I've used banana and chocolate mint, both flavours are top notch.
Reply 7
You sorted your diet out first? Not much point starting to buy protein shakes if your diet isn't up to scratch.
Reply 8
Promax by maximuslce is what I use, it tastes alright, I mix it with water normally, it tastes better with milk though...
Reply 9
Yeh, my diet is pretty good anyway. Although i have changed it from the regular three meals a day to six smaller healthier meals.
eat frosties they are greattttttt
Reply 11
Promax by maximuslce is what I use, it tastes alright, I mix it with water normally, it tastes better with milk though...

Don't buy 'Body Fortress' whey. That **** is whack!

I use that aswell. Its pretty good, whats wrong?
My advice is not to bother, Ive found whole foods to be more beneficial at all times, including p/w - spend your whey money on food. When I used to eat whey though, I bought it from - the unflavoured whey tastes quite nice, imo - and is good if you want to avoid colours and sweeteners etc.
Reply 14
I use Inner Armour whey protein.. works fine, tastes fine.
Reply 15
ON Protein is good quality, tastes aren't to my liking mind.

Now I use Reflex Instant Whey, if you're on a budget and don't mind taste then you can get bulk unflavouered protein from, about ÂŁ20 for 5kg I believe, or you can use their branded flavourered whey which is about ÂŁ25 for 2.27kg I think. Use code MP3834 and get 5% off your first order too.

One thing is for sure, don't buy the crap in H&B or GNC. Overpriced and poor quality.


PM me if you want an even bigger discount.
Reply 16
Proteins are only part of muscle growth- you should consider other things such as creatine, BCAA/ amino acids, HMB, glutamine etc.
Reply 17
Glutamine is a waste of money, if you buy a high quality whey (Reflex/ON Nutrition) theres a high % of BCAA's in each serving.

Creatine/HMB/Other supps should be considered once your training and diet are sufficient. In the beginning you will get good gains just by getting your training and diet sorted, look to supplements after a couple of years of training and gains have slowed.
Reply 18
If you want taste go with maximuscle. People think they are really expensive but I don't see the prices too bad. is my 2nd recommendation.

Yeah I use Progain by Maximuscle, can definitely recommend it. Just a bit pricey that's all :biggrin: