The Student Room Group


I recently started using the pill and i have ust finished my first packet. I started my period today and when i went to change my pad, i found skin like stuff on the pad i was using. It really looks like skin n i dont know whats happened... There was quite a lot and theres only once place it could have came from... anyone have any idea what this could be??
Reply 1
Ok, sorry to sound grim, but why do you think it is skin? Guys look away now, but could it not be small blood clots? Sorry if that sounds yucky, but it could be normal.

If it is skin then I have no idea where it's come from and I can't imagine it being related to the pill, it might be best to talk to your doctor.
Reply 2
Ok, sorry to sound grim, but why do you think it is skin? Guys look away now, but could it not be small blood clots? Sorry if that sounds yucky, but it could be normal.

If it is skin then I have no idea where it's come from and I can't imagine it being related to the pill, it might be best to talk to your doctor.

Agreed - the pill doesn't create skin loss or anything like that. Blood clots could be mistaken for skin. :frown:
It's blood clots, I'm pretty sure.
Without trying to sound graphic: they look like dark red lumps of...matter, I guess. If that sounds about right, don't worry. It is normal - especially when you start taking the pill.
Reply 4
Ok, sorry to sound grim, but why do you think it is skin? Guys look away now, but could it not be small blood clots? Sorry if that sounds yucky, but it could be normal.

If it is skin then I have no idea where it's come from and I can't imagine it being related to the pill, it might be best to talk to your doctor.




I didnt manage to look away in time.... :bawling:
Reply 5
El Scotto



I didnt manage to look away in time.... :bawling:


I'm sorry :redface:
Reply 6
El Scotto
I didnt manage to look away in time.... :bawling:

Tip of the iceberg, my dear. If you think reading about it is gross, imagine experiencing it :biggrin:.

To the OP, I agree with everyone else, sounds like blood clots. If you're worried go to the doctor - ask for a female doctor if you feel uncomfortable about it.
Reply 7
Just to strengthen the point, I would agree with the others here, and say that it is likely to be blood clots. Fairly normal, but you could always have a chat with your GP if you're worried.