I am an asian male.
I normally keep a slight stubble...
Anyway tonight I went clubbing, I was having a very good time. The drinks in this particular club were very expensive, so I had to goto the bank machine to get money out. There was no bank machine in the club, plus they were not accepting cards. So it was quite understandable why I had to go out. I told him this.
Anyway, I asked the bouncer if I could leave the club - he said "you better be back here in 5 minutes". So I was like "ok", i came back from the bank machine with cash, I waved at the bouncer to let me in , he ignored me....Anyway , I spoke to another guy (bouncer) and said "hey, I would like to be let back in the club", so the guy was like "who let you out?", I said, that bald guy over there....So he called the bald guy over (original bouncer) and the bald guy came over and said to me "go through the front (even though he was letting people in through the back), they have to search you"....At this point I was like , "ok,maybe this is a routine check", but then I started seeing him let other people in (non-asian) freely without any problems. So I said to the woman that was searching me, "Why on earth am I being searched??? Yet the others are not? He seems like a right arsehole , does he think I am a terrorist or something?"
She went upto the bouncher immediately afterwards and told him what I said, then the bouncer basically escourted me out the club and said "have a goodnight.". I looked at him like "WTF?" (I expected an explanation at least) , but mainly because I have never been kicked out the club.
I spoke to my mates about this , and although they agreed with me to a point , they said that I should have kept my mouth shut. I agree with them, I should have, but after seeing the way the bouncer was picking and choosing I was deeply offended. I mean I dont look threatening.
Sorry about my poor grammer, I am very drunk at the moment.