The Student Room Group


I am an asian male.

I normally keep a slight stubble...

Anyway tonight I went clubbing, I was having a very good time. The drinks in this particular club were very expensive, so I had to goto the bank machine to get money out. There was no bank machine in the club, plus they were not accepting cards. So it was quite understandable why I had to go out. I told him this.

Anyway, I asked the bouncer if I could leave the club - he said "you better be back here in 5 minutes". So I was like "ok", i came back from the bank machine with cash, I waved at the bouncer to let me in , he ignored me....Anyway , I spoke to another guy (bouncer) and said "hey, I would like to be let back in the club", so the guy was like "who let you out?", I said, that bald guy over there....So he called the bald guy over (original bouncer) and the bald guy came over and said to me "go through the front (even though he was letting people in through the back), they have to search you"....At this point I was like , "ok,maybe this is a routine check", but then I started seeing him let other people in (non-asian) freely without any problems. So I said to the woman that was searching me, "Why on earth am I being searched??? Yet the others are not? He seems like a right arsehole , does he think I am a terrorist or something?"

She went upto the bouncher immediately afterwards and told him what I said, then the bouncer basically escourted me out the club and said "have a goodnight.". I looked at him like "WTF?" (I expected an explanation at least) , but mainly because I have never been kicked out the club.

I spoke to my mates about this , and although they agreed with me to a point , they said that I should have kept my mouth shut. I agree with them, I should have, but after seeing the way the bouncer was picking and choosing I was deeply offended. I mean I dont look threatening.

Sorry about my poor grammer, I am very drunk at the moment.

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They probably took a dislike to you and dicided to be ******* for the night.

Most bouncers are sure that asian males with stubble aren't terrorists :smile:
My brother got beat up by a load of bouncers last night. For being 'too smartly dressed' - he'd just had his graduation ceromony so was wearing a suit. I have no time for the majority of them, they're thugs.
Reply 3
My brother got beat up by a load of bouncers last night. For being 'too smartly dressed' - he'd just had his graduation ceromony so was wearing a suit. I have no time for the majority of them, they're thugs.

I am so depressed by it....I mean talk about ruining someones night.

I kept apologising to my mate, saying "I am really sorry for this" - he said what you said, but I feel really bad now :mad:

I can't believe that bitch grassed me up though. They were doing a full body search as well, I am not talking like touching here and there, but making me have my arms out , checking my pockets - even though all I had was a pack of tissues and a passport for ID :frown:
I am so depressed by it....I mean talk about ruining someones night.

I kept apologising to my mate, saying "I am really sorry for this" - he said what you said, but I feel really bad now :mad:

I can't believe that bitch grassed me up though. They were doing a full body search as well, I am not talking like touching here and there, but making me have my arms out , checking my pockets - even though all I had was a pack of tissues and a passport for ID :frown:

I wouldn't worry about it. Just in future make sure you bite your tongue so they don't have any reason to kick you out. Then make a complaint to the bar/club manager if you feel you're being discrimnating against.
Reply 5
I wouldn't worry about it. Just in future make sure you bite your tongue so they don't have any reason to kick you out. Then make a complaint to the bar/club manager if you feel you're being discrimnating against.

Its so silly though - I don't like jumping onto conclusions here. (Which is why I integrate in the first place.) But if indeed it was a racist thing - I am pissed off. I am staying in London - isn't it supposed to be a multicultural city?
Reply 6
Its so silly though - I don't like jumping onto conclusions here. (Which is why I integrate in the first place.) But if indeed it was a racist thing - I am pissed off. I am staying in London - isn't it supposed to be a multicultural city?

A good portion of bouncers are pretty criminals/thugs (heck, it's what they get hired for), so you really shouldn't expect them to be as polite as the general population
Reply 7
In Cardiff all bouncers are licensed and have to undertake a two day training course before starting work. The license process involves a CRB check.

The bouncers at the club where I work, as well as Metros (the other club I frequent) and the Student Union, are all friendly and do a great job. If you don't give them any **** then they are great. Then again, if anyone gave me **** while I was working the bouncers are the first people I'd call to have them escorted out. Bouncers also do a crucial first aid and support role; I've seen bouncers intervene many times when girls are in tears because they are drunk, have fallen over, torn their new clothes and lost their handbag and mobile. They help, even if in the event of unfound lost property they are just a shoulder to cry on.

Biz-that may be true in the US but I think the license process applies throughout England and Wales, and as a result most bouncers here are fine and do a great job.
Reply 8
In Cardiff all bouncers are licensed and have to undertake a two day training course before starting work. The license process involves a CRB check.

The bouncers at the club where I work, as well as Metros (the other club I frequent) and the Student Union, are all friendly and do a great job. If you don't give them any **** then they are great. Then again, if anyone gave me **** while I was working the bouncers are the first people I'd call to have them escorted out. Bouncers also do a crucial first aid and support role; I've seen bouncers intervene many times when girls are in tears because they are drunk, have fallen over, torn their new clothes and lost their handbag and mobile. They help, even if in the event of unfound lost property they are just a shoulder to cry on.

Biz-that may be true in the US but I think the license process applies throughout England and Wales, and as a result most bouncers here are fine and do a great job.

The license process applies just like it does to license processes in all fields. The top notch clubs and those with affiliations to the government or schools play it mostly by the book, while I would expect lesser clubs to ask bouncers if they have a criminal record during interviews but not follow up on it. Some woman was raped and killed by a bouncer about a month back in New York, and the guy had an extensive criminal record. :frown:
Reply 9
The license process applies just like it does to license processes in all fields. The top notch clubs and those with affiliations to the government or schools play it mostly by the book, while I would expect lesser clubs to ask bouncers if they have a criminal record during interviews but not follow up on it. Some woman was raped and killed by a bouncer about a month back in New York, and the guy had an extensive criminal record. :frown:

That's not in the UK though. Here, a CRB report would need to be kept with said bouncer's employment record. Without such a report the employer/club would be open to a serious prosecution.

EDIT plus in Cardiff city centre the bouncers coordinate closely with the police via radio, and it's not unknown for the police to check the badges of the new bouncers they don't know to see if they are CRB checked.
My brother got beat up by a load of bouncers last night. For being 'too smartly dressed' - he'd just had his graduation ceromony so was wearing a suit. I have no time for the majority of them, they're thugs.

And fat/beefed up which won't work if they're unreasonable with a martial artist who's in a bad mood...
Reply 11

At this point I was like , "ok,maybe this is a routine check", but then I started seeing him let other people in (non-asian) freely without any problems. So I said to the woman that was searching me, "Why on earth am I being searched??? Yet the others are not? He seems like a right arsehole , does he think I am a terrorist or something?"

Why are you differentiating these people by their race? Maybe they were friends of the club owners, VIP pass holders, a load of possibilities.

You made the racist stereotype that asians are terrorists, not the bouncer. Why didn't you just accept the search as many other people would have done that night, to ensure the safety of everyone inside?
Would they have searched him if he's Irish? :rolleyes:
Reply 13
And fat/beefed up which won't work if they're unreasonable with a martial artist who's in a bad mood...

I'm a fairly experienced "martial artist" and, if a group of bouncers started on me while drunk I think its good night me. No matter how good you are dude, If a group of bouncers want to, they are likely going to kick your head in.

But still I'm sure I do not want to cross you in a bad mood?
Its so silly though - I don't like jumping onto conclusions here. (Which is why I integrate in the first place.) But if indeed it was a racist thing - I am pissed off. I am staying in London - isn't it supposed to be a multicultural city?

there are more foriegners and ethnic minorities (if that phrase still works in this context) in london than british born white people so im sure it wasnt because your asian. tbh ive found that most bouncers are quite nice. if one of the guys in our group gets stopped because of dress code issues weve usually been able to sort it by all the girls going up and making puppy eyes/generally joking around.
Reply 15
Motherless Child
Why are you differentiating these people by their race? Maybe they were friends of the club owners, VIP pass holders, a load of possibilities.

You made the racist stereotype that asians are terrorists, not the bouncer. Why didn't you just accept the search as many other people would have done that night, to ensure the safety of everyone inside?

I should have kept your mouth shut

The bouncers in my area are cool, most of them go to my gym so I know alot of them. The others I don't know, they're just perverts like most bouncers. I went out with all of my friends clubbing one night, the number of girls outweighing numbers of guys...being polite girls went in first, walked straight past the bouncers who then refused to let the guys in. Some of them just like to stamp their authority I guess.
Reply 16
high priestess fnord
there are more foriegners and ethnic minorities (if that phrase still works in this context) in london than british born white people so im sure it wasnt because your asian. tbh ive found that most bouncers are quite nice. if one of the guys in our group gets stopped because of dress code issues weve usually been able to sort it by all the girls going up and making puppy eyes/generally joking around.


Yeah sure, if it was a dress code issue, I would have understood and not been too bothered. Generally when I am at uni anyway, out clubbing bouncers are very nice, and I don't have this kind of problem with them. If it is a dress code issue, such as forgetting to wear a pair of shoes, I accept it, don't argue and go home.

I guess I am really not used to being full on body searched. It was very very embarrassing, especaily when you got about 100 people queing up watching you being body searched whilst other people are being let past (imagine what on earth they were thinking? Is this guy pretty dodgy...). Plus it really annoyed me last night that I was being searched because we had to go through a metal detector thing & empty our pockets to get into the club in the first place, and then yet again I am body searched when all I did was pop out to get some cash to buy drinks. Which in all fairness is fine, but they were clearly picking and choosing on who to search and who not to.

Being sober now, I think it was best that I kept my mouth shut. I guess my comment to a degree was intended as sarcasm, as really I was the ONLY one being let back in being body searched.

I don't think I will be going back to that club again, 15 quid was the entrance fee!

thanks for your replies.
Reply 17
The bouncer was picking and choosing? They also search "non-asians".
It's their club, and their job to search people.
ooh I wouldnt go there with that kind of entrance fee, best keep an eye out for different clubs though cos here the bouncers that are on one club one night, might well be working at another club another night :smile:

I know what you mean though that bouncers are annoying, I was in a bar with mates after my bday meal (why did I choose friday night!), anyways we got let in but then we were gonna go somewhere else so we left then changed our minds and the bouncers wouldnt let us back in cos 2 of my friends didnt have ID when they had let them in before :confused: I was soo angry lol I was shouting at them that they had ruined my birthday (at the bouncers) :p: After that we all went home cos there was no way the ones without ID were getting in anywhere.. and this is 20 year olds!
Reply 19
In Cardiff all bouncers are licensed and have to undertake a two day training course before starting work. The license process involves a CRB check.

The bouncers at the club where I work, as well as Metros (the other club I frequent) and the Student Union, are all friendly and do a great job. If you don't give them any **** then they are great. Then again, if anyone gave me **** while I was working the bouncers are the first people I'd call to have them escorted out. Bouncers also do a crucial first aid and support role; I've seen bouncers intervene many times when girls are in tears because they are drunk, have fallen over, torn their new clothes and lost their handbag and mobile. They help, even if in the event of unfound lost property they are just a shoulder to cry on.

Biz-that may be true in the US but I think the license process applies throughout England and Wales, and as a result most bouncers here are fine and do a great job.

Thats only two clubs you have mentioned where the bouncers are fine and do a good job. I have to agree with alot of people on here that IMO alot of bouncers are bullies. When your waiting in a queue for the main club in Northampton, you can blatantly see the bouncers letting their friends or people they know skip the queue and go straight in. If you ask them why thats allowed they threaten not to let you or ban you from the club if you don't shut up.

The time that i lost all respect for the bouncers in Northampton was when i found a girl tanked up on drugs in the toilet. She was vomiting and was obviously in a bad way. All her freinds had left her, so i had to hold her head up to stop her choking on her own vomit. Nobody would go and get help, so i had to leave her propped up next to the toilet whilst i went to inform a person behind the bar. They phoned an ambulance and the paramedics arrived. By this time, i couldn't get back into the toilet because everybody had crowded round her. I asked the female bouncer stopping people going into the toilet if she was OK, and explained how i had to stop her choking and she just told me to F**k off and stop being so nosy. I couldn't believe it. None of the bouncers would even tell me if she was OK, so i never did know what happened to her.