The Student Room Group

confussed is an understatement. What do i do?

Where to start...

OK last nite i was on the beach with my best mate (girl... im a guy btw) and neways we ended up kissing (although it was down to her we ended up kissing).

I know i shouldn't have done it and now i regret doing it (for the act itself)

Thing is thats not where it ends. She went to meet this guy that she'd met a week or so before. Anyway it turns out that she slept with him.

Question is tho what the hell do i do now? The kiss ive written off as a huge mistake but what now?
Reply 1
Talk to her and see where you stand

Tell her how you feel
Reply 2
Nothing beats talking to her - have to agree with Bharj - find out where you stand.
Reply 3
Do you like her in "more than a best mate" way?

SOmetimes i think i do but most of the time nt reli. N neways i dont really want to get into anything with a girl who was my mate. I kinda made that mistake before and it really didn't work out well.

I no this will probably sound weird but i kinda priomised to myself i wuldnt let it happen again. So even i i did like her i wuldnt want to get into that again.
Pretend it never happened. You already said it was a mistake, so chalk it down to experience and move on.
Reply 5
Okay you kissed her and regret it.She slept with someone else.
What is it that you are exactly confused about? What you feel for her? What she feels for you? Best thing to do is talk to her.
And be honest to yourself about any feelings you have for her.
Well you seem pretty sure that you don't want a relationship with her and the fact that she slept with someone else indicates that she feels the same. Therefore I think you don't really have to worry about anything. By all means talk to her if you want to just get things straight but if you think that would be akward just leave it and get on with things.
If you think it's mistake just don't get in that situation again, seems this girl likes to play around a bit though.