The Student Room Group

Friends letting me down!!

There were 4 of us who booked a holiday a few months ago and then one girl dropped out so we sorted it so that the 3 of us could still go. But now another girl has dropped out a week before we go, and although she has been dropping hints that she can't go she never said it straight so I just presumed she was after attention (she is a bit like that!). So now there is just two of us which is a bit crap, and the amount of money I have wasted booking it.

Just wondered what anyone else would do in this situation because I don't know whether to say anything to her or just leave it as I wont see her very often now
Reply 1
always make your friends pay their part. That way if they cancel it doesnt affect you and its their money they have lost.
See if anyone else wants to go in her place?
Reply 3
always make your friends pay their part. That way if they cancel it doesnt affect you and its their money they have lost.


Also, couldn't you see if someone else could go instead?
Reply 4
Friends suck.
Have been s*at on so many times by so-called friends, I know how you feel. A guy from work stood me up the day before my Summer Ball, when I had already paid for his ticket. Luckily I got him to pay me back. This was a bloke I will never be seeing again because I quit the job we were both in. I sent him a letter telling him where to address this cheque.

Make the b*tch who pulled out last minute pay up. Write a letter to her mum/dad if she refuses. And a tip for the future is yes, don't pay money for other people. I suggest you go on the holiday with the one friend who has been loyal to you, you both deserve a nice time! You might meet some other people wherever it is you go to hang out with, as well as bonding with your other friend. If you've lost out financially, make sure you get it back, and it'll teach her a lesson too, or she'll just do the same thing to somebody else.