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My ex boyfriend's started dealing drugs

I'm going to cut a long story short.
My ex-boyfriend who i'm still very close to and love very much as a friend has started dealing drugs. Not just passing on a few grams of coke to a friend, but last night he had about £1000 worth of coke on him, and was dealing to a mate of a mate of a mate, basically people he didn't know. Then he said he had to take me home because he was going somewhere dangerous and didn't want me to get hurt.
I'm really worried about him, and what he's got himself into, i can't believe he's dealing. I don't understand why he's doing it, he doesn't need money for anything. His parents haven't got a clue, they think he's such an angel, they'd probably chuck him out the house if they found out what was going on.
His friends have no idea either, apart from his druggie mates. He made me promise i would keep everything to myself, but i can't sit back and watch him ruin his life.
I try to talk to him about it, but he gets really angry when i mention it, or he'll just say, "It's only for a while", but he can't just decide to stop whenever he wants, i know what these people are like, they get pissed off if they can't get what they want.
I really don't know what to do, do i break my promise and risk losing him from my life to help him? Or do i keep gently persuading him to stop and wait for him to hopefully come to his senses?

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Get the **** out, that **** ain't worth it
Reply 2
I can't just abandon him!
Would someone please give me some advice, i'm so confused!
i think its best if u try and get him out of your life. Its just not worth the trouble, he could potetially be getting involved with some dangerous people. However you could try and persuade him away from it which could be difficult... does he actually do the drugs or just deal?
Reply 4
Maybe you should just threaten to report him to the police. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. Drug dealing doesn't just affect him, but also the people he's selling these drugs to, if he can't see sense himself then he should have to learn the hard way!
how old is your boyfriend? I don't know why that matters, but it might put it in context a little more. Anyway, realisitically, what do you actually think you can do to stop him? If you broke his promise to him, and told someone, firstly, who would you tell, and secondly, could they make him stop? If his friendship means a lot to you (and i think it does) then you have to be sure that telling someone would make him stop, otherwise, you've broken your promise, he's angry with you, but still a dealer.

Does he have any aspirations beyond where he is now? does he want to go to uni, or go travelling? maybe if you remind him that there is something beyond what he is doing now, it will help him to realise this is only temporary.

Does you boyfriend use coke much? to quote Scarface 'rule number 2: don't get high off your own supply.' Anyway, what I mean is, if he's both dealling and using, this may become a massive problem. If he only deals, then it may be easier for you to stop him.

tbh, I think the only way he is going to stop if he realises for himself that it's too dangerous and not worth the risks: I think you just might have to help him do that.
Reply 6
He's 18, he's applying for uni next year, he does have so much potential to make something of himself.
He does drugs about once a week, usually a few lines of coke or some weed, he'd never do anything like crack or heroin.
About threatening him with the police, he knows me too well, and he knows i would never do that.
I thought about talking to one of his friends about it, but i think only he can persuade himself to stop
Shop him in. Call Crimestoppers if you want to remain completely anonymous: 0800 555 111.

He is a scummy drug dealer. DRUGS ARE BAD, M'KAY!
Reply 8
He may know you very well, and in any normal situation he may think that you wouldn't do something like that, but this is a different scenario. If he knows you as well as you do him and thinks you have firm morals (which I'm sure you do) then he would have every reason to think that you would and should report him. I very much doubt he would risk trouble with the police because he "thinks" that you wouldn't turn him in. I'm not suggesting that you should do that, but you will at least get a response. Anyway, it's just an idea.
Reply 9
Run away! Don't get yourself into this mess!
Yeah i'd get away from him he's dealing drugs, he can't be that much of a friend if he refuses to listen to your concerns
From where im sitting he really doesnt seem worth the trouble, either tell the police or get him out of your life quick!! Drug dealers arent nice people
Its not as easy to get out of dealing as some people on this forum are making it out to be, but then it depends on how deep he is in. If he's just starting out, tell him to cut his loses and get out, the deeper he goes the more and more diffcult it will become to get out, so when he says "it's only for a while", its rubbish. You need to make him realise the road of dealing drugs has only 2 destinations: death or jail. If he slips up, which he will at some point, he will either get done by his distributors and/or rivals and/or picked up by the police. If not, get him shopped when he's carrying little weight on him to get him off with a "light" punishment and make him realise the reality of the situation.
Reply 13
Once again; forget him and save yourself! Keep your distance. You have your OWN life to be worried about.
You are not responsible for what he does.
Reply 14
whats his name.. ill tell the cops for you
Reply 15
Look after yourself first. You could be guilty by association. I think if he loses your friendship it will in some small way show him what else he stands to lose.
It will be difficult to dissociate himself from his suppliers. Also he will have got used to having plenty of money but if he screws up now he will lose so much. Try to make him seee sense, uni etc to look forward to. If he gets a criminal record it will restrict travelling in future years. But most importantly keep yourself out of it. The police could be watching him and will have noted all his contacts.
Reply 16
Shop him in. Call Crimestoppers if you want to remain completely anonymous: 0800 555 111.

He is a scummy drug dealer. DRUGS ARE BAD, M'KAY!

It's not as simple as that if you care for someone. Drugs are bad and there is no excuse for dealing, no one is debating that, and the fact that the OP has even posted shows she knows this.

However, sometimes you care for someone, and getting them out of it in a rehabilitating way is sometimes better than being sent to prison, where people can just be institutionalised and come out even worse because of all the people they now know inside.

It's a very tough one OP, and I sympathise, it cannot be a nice situation for you at all. If the police doesn't scare him, try things that matter to him. Does he really care about your friendship? If you say you do not want to know him while this is going on will that have an effect?
I never said it was simple. She's asking what she should do, and I told her what I believe is the best and right way to go.

If he cares for her as much as she cares for him then he would listen to her. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind - he needs to learn. Like LBC213 said: "...get him shopped when he's carrying little weight on him to get him off with a "light" punishment and make him realise the reality of the situation." If he co-operates with the police to get rid of the higher-ups then he may well get off even more lightly, and then it will be more druggies off the streets. If you read the post, there are some seriously worrying things going on. In fact, if the OP can persuade him to hand himself in then that would be by far the best thing - but he doesn't seem interested in what she has to say.
Reply 18
Take a rifle and shoot him in the back of the head.

The friend you love is willingly and wantonly destroying peoples lives for financial gain.
if he is dealing drugs of that amount and you're posting here as "anonymous" and you are aware of him doing illegal activity, the police could get involved. It is not hard for them to find out who this "anonymous" person is.