The Student Room Group

what to do

right basically i went out with this guy for couple of months in a long distance r-ship until he dumped me citing that i tried too hard to please him and it wasn't working for him. anyway i've been trying to get a cd off him for a while now and he said that would be ok. then i ran into him in our local town and we had a good chat and he seemed friendly so i thought things were ok between us so i emailed him couple of weeks later to make arrangements for me getting the cd back but he didn't reply. i don't want to hassle him or anything but its a special cd and i really want it back, thus i am unsure what to do.
I think he is messing you around, it seems a pathetic excuse he gave for breaking it off
Obviosuly I don't know your exact situation but if you can go to his house and ask him, or if he's not in whoever answers the door, to get the CD for you. He is probs just lazy
Reply 3
what cd is it?
Just go round there (with your dad in case you need someone to punch him) and get it yourself.
if you know were he lives mail him saying im coming over and he cnt say ujust showed up bla bla and take the cd then enevr bother himagain until youbump into him again (sorry if some words are joined togther my space key dont wrk n im pressing as hard as i can lol)
Just by a replacement at HMV, unless its one of those where you choose the songs you put on.
Reply 7
its a "special" cd...
i own some CDs that are about 200£ as theres only 20 in the world
then signed ones by dead people
so it might be hard to get a replacement!