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When your ex has someone new

Long story short we broke up because it was just the wrong time (it was mutual though) and he wanted us to stay friends. We're polite when we see each other and although we talk we never really talk about what happened between us. Today I joined myspace and was going through my email address book for people to add and when I got to his it says he's got a new girlfriend and they're in love which is great right. I know he doesn't owe me anything before the flamers start! But he did call me the other night saying he missed me and we talked just like we used to so I'm kind of confused.
Should I mention next time I see him that I know he's seeing someone? I am upset about it but he's allowed to see who he wants so I'm not going to go off the deep end. I still feel really hurt though and don't know what to do.
Reply 1
i would mention it to him, but only in the way that you would to any other of your mates if you found out about it. it hurts like hell but the best thing is just not to think about it methinks, n just move on
Reply 2
It's just a natural feeling surely? Someone has liked you for ages, and even if you no longer feel anything for them in a romantic sense, everyone likes to feel wanted and as if they are special to someone. I would ask him how the new relationship is going next time you see him. Say it with a smile on your face and sound genuinely interested: it will go a long way to making sure you stay good friends. :smile:
It's a natural feeling i think, but hes not your boyfriend no more so he is allowed to get another girlfriend don't mean that to sound harsh.
Reply 4
Thanks for the replies, I know he's allowed to see whoever so I'm not mad about it more hurt.

We go to uni together and she's not from down there, and he's been emailing me for the last month or so saying he misses me and can't wait til he sees me again and how we have so much to talk about and that confused me. When we broke up it didn't seem like a final "this is over" but more "just not right now" and him and her look so happy together I just feel..hurt. His behaviour is kinda flirty I think but not to the point where I could haul him up on it because he could just be being real friendly you know?

Aargh men
Reply 5
Look on the positive side. It doesn't look like he is shoving it in your face. he still wants to be friends with you. He isn't bitching to you about other people. :smile: Sounds like one of the better break ups I have heard of.

Aargh women. :wink:
yeah that sucks man, i sympathise.
Reply 8
Don't mention anything to him. You need to move on, the best cure is to find someone new. Although, its nice in your head to believe that hes only got a new girlfriend as a rebound for you, so if that makes you feel better then 'tell yourself that' as they say.

But, hes clearly not told you for a reason, whatever reason that maybe. So, just take a deep breath and suck it in. He can't have both of you, and if hes saying that whilst he has this girlfriend then you can't really believe what he says.

Try not to talk to him or think about it too much.. There is always someone new and more exciting out there.