Ok I really need some advice, my boyfriend went through a stage a few months ago where he was very...demanding of my time, it got to the stage where I felt like a dogs body just waiting around for him. We had a difficult patch and I told him how I felt, he then agreed that he was kind of acting that way.
However, while I was revising for my Uni exams he got very angry with me because I couldn't find the time to see him etc and this of course caused problems.
I had my last exam last Weds and thought that we could spend the weekend together, however he then decided that
he would go to Global Gathering this weekend with his mates and stay for the weekend (seemed fine for him to go off but I'm not 'allowed' to revise for my exams

) I let it be and did not contact him at all over the weekend and believed that he would be back tomorrow (he
told me this, he said he would be leaving Monday morning). After this my Mum asked me if I would decorate the living room for her and if we could go tomorrow to look for colours, I thought this was fine as my boyfriend wasn't back until tomorrow and so I wouldn't be seeing him.
But he's just called me saying "so you wanna come round" I told him that I couldn't because I'd promised my Mum that I would go with her due to the fact that he'd told me he wasn't coming back until tomorrow. I told him it was the principle of the matter that he can't expect me to change my plans because he's changed his and
he put the phone down on me!!
Does anyone think I was being petty by sticking to my plans?
I don't know what to do, I can't see him calling me for a few days though
(BTW, we're both 21)
Any advice would be appreciated