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do you still get to talk to him on the phone? are you able to use webcams on msn or something? at least then you'll be able to see each other...kinda...
Reply 2
I miss my boyfriend terribly, only seeing each other every 3-4 weeks at the moment :frown:, when used to seeing each other at least once a day at Uni. I know some girls have it far worse, but does anyone have any tips as to how to ease the pain? Sorry to sound pathetic. It always seem to hit worst at night as well, when there isn't much you can do.

I miss you too...:suith: lol

You don't sound pathetic! It is painful, I can imagine. Just make sure you keep in touch with him loads. Texting, phoning, MSN etc. It is not the same as being with him, but I guess it is better then nothing. :smile:
Reply 3
I miss my boyfriend terribly, only seeing each other every 3-4 weeks at the moment :frown:, when used to seeing each other at least once a day at Uni. I know some girls have it far worse, but does anyone have any tips as to how to ease the pain? Sorry to sound pathetic. It always seem to hit worst at night as well, when there isn't much you can do.
Talk with eachother loads. Steal his sleep. Call him whenever you're thinking about him - even if it's just for a minute.
We keep in touch daily by msn and text messages, I just miss the physical side of things...hugs, kisses, holding my hand, that kind of thing. I also don't want to appear too clingy by texting him all the time :confused:
Reply 5
Steal his sleep.

i glanced at that quickly and thaught you said steal his sheep :p: how would that help? !?!

but yeah as everyones already said the only thing you can really do is talk everyday.
hug a teddy while talking to him, it'll make you feel all warm inside
Reply 7
aww I know how you're feeling :frown: Just text,text,text! Phone calls as well!

You're not pathetic at all. You've not got too long until uni starts back really and then once you're back you can see him as much as you want and you'll really appreciate it!
Reply 8
i glanced at that quickly and thaught you said steal his sheep :p: how would that help? !?!

but yeah as everyones already said the only thing you can really do is talk everyday.
Hah :p:

I like that phrase :redface: I think it's sweet.
Reply 9
Talk with eachother loads. Steal his sleep. Call him whenever you're thinking about him - even if it's just for a minute.

aww I know how you're feeling :frown: Just text,text,text! Phone calls as well!

You're not pathetic at all. You've not got too long until uni starts back really and then once you're back you can see him as much as you want and you'll really appreciate it!

We don't tend to talk much on the phone as he is pretty busy adjusting to a new life style...he has moved to another town to start an industrial placement as part of his degree. When I go back to Uni in September, we will be closer to each other so the time gap between visits won't be quite as long (should see him every weekend). :smile:
Reply 12
i suppose you could steal his sheep.....
Farmerrr :sheep:
i suppose you could steal his sheep.....

Well he is part Welsh.....:sheep:
I text my boyfriend all day, chat on MSN and webcams... but I still miss him incredibly!
I think some of you need to get a grip, you can't bear to be separated from someone for a few weeks?

Whats going to happen if your relationship ends, how are you going to cope then?

Yes having a partner is great but dependence isn't, I know if a girl was getting like that over me it would make me feel uncomfortable with the relationship...your life and happiness are in your control not anybody else's, and if you're dependent on somebody else then it's a warning sign that something's not right.

I bet there will be plenty of single girls who feel lonely about not having anybody in their lives, who have got pissed off reading this thread.
Reply 17
Reply 18
I think some of you need to get a grip, you can't bear to be separated from someone for a few weeks?

Whats going to happen if your relationship ends, how are you going to cope then?

Yes having a partner is great but dependence isn't, I know if a girl was getting like that over me it would make me feel uncomfortable with the relationship...your life and happiness are in your control not anybody else's, and if you're dependent on somebody else then it's a warning sign that something's not right.

I bet there will be plenty of single girls who feel lonely about not having anybody in their lives, who have got pissed off reading this thread.

Like you?

Joking, I agree with you.
Reply 19
I think some of you need to get a grip, you can't bear to be separated from someone for a few weeks?.

Try 12 months.

I don't think it's as easy as getting a grip, she can't help it if she misses her boyfriend.