Please read this as I cant stop thinking about how everything has changed so much. Its scary.
Well, recently I was thinking... I used to have so many good friends who were fantastic people and who I felt I could really trust but over the years they all changed for the worse.
One of my friends used to be a laugh but she turned into such a manipulative, controlling attention seeker. I met her in year 7 and she wasnt that bad then, but by year 11 she was awful and so nasty. She used to do the worst things and tell some really bad lies (ie "my mum is dying from cancer" - which wasnt true) and I cant understand why. In the 6th form we both went to, she went out of her way to make my life a misery, spreading rumours about me and trying to turn all the new friends I'd made against me. She also used all my insecurities against me. For example, ive been anorexic and recently she actually took old photos into school of me in yr 7, before the eating disorder started, and got people to comment on how fat I looked in them.
I started talking to another (ex)-good friend of mine in year 9. We were both having a bad time with our home life and as we were going through similar things, we found comfort in talking to eachother. I confided so much in her and I really thought I could trust her. But when we started 6th form everything changed. Ironically she made friends with my first friend - the nasty attention seeker - and now shes nothing like she was. Shes bitchy and rude about me, ignores me when she sees me, sleeps around and just gets drunk all the time. She used to be so caring and intelligent and its all gone now. I dont know her anymore.
Its depressing really, as I felt so close to the 2nd friend and I miss her. And now shes friends with the other girl I knew and as a result, has changed completely. And the 1st girl loves rubbing it in my face. At 6th form, she talks loudly about how much fun they had at the weekend and they basically do a very OTT hug and look to see if I've seen it. I feel like the 1st girl made friends with my old friend to spite me, as I remember she used to bitch about her and even commented on her when she first walked in on the 1st day of 6th form (i think she said something like "oh, look whats been dragged in"...)
I know I should forget about it, but Ive lost a good friend in the 2nd girl and I really wish things were like they were a few years ago. Why do people have to change for the worse? Has anyone else been in a similar situation? Or can anyone offer some advice?