I know there have been lots of threads where girls just can't climax....and I have a similar problem. the 'ouside' orgasm as it were...it's just too much feel like i need the toilet and my brain overides the fact that I was to orgasm and so I can't let him continue.
The next bit however is new. With my 1st bf I was never too impressed with sex, yes sometimes it was nice but there was no point in it for me. Now...after having a weekend of amazing sex with a great great guy!! the sex is fab. And this feels different. I get to to the stage where I want to orgasm and it's soo good and then bang it's gone. Just disappears. and it's really annoying. is there any reason why it can just disappear? is this just me getting closer? i've never had one and it's starting to get to me a bit, less so now that the sex is bloody brill but still....