I don’t know how to help you cause I am in the same situation, because I get compared to my cousins who are all better. They keep saying why cant you be more like so and so, they’re never happy with what ever I do, you can try talking. But I hate it when people say talk to them but really its so uncomfortable hers the conversation "stop comparing me to so and so" mother "well we wouldn’t have to if you done things better". The thing I could advice is to go wild and then they see how good you were and then they want the old you back. Some parents are just never happy for instance I knew this one girl in secondary whose parents went mad on her cause she got a B but her parents wanted an A. so through out that afternoon she was so stressed. I don’t get it why they’re never happy with what they got, when really we are just like them. That sounds so corny but its true whenever I talk to the grandparents they will just say we act just like them. Sorry if I wrote too much.