The Student Room Group

MSc in Cryptography?

I've had a bit of a trawl through the internet and haven't come up with much, so I thought I'd ask if anyone knows of any MSc courses in cryptography (or involving a reasonable cryptography component)? There seems to be one at Royal Holloway which looks like it'd be interesting but you need a Maths degree (I'm doing Computer Systems Engineering) and I really don't want to study in London (though I do want to stay in the UK!). Apart from that I've not really found much :frown:
Jenn xx
Reply 1
If you've already got experience in the computing side of things, then how about:

- MSc Information Security @ Royal Holloway
- MSc Internet, Computing and Systems Security @ Bradford
Royal Holloway... I really don't want to study in London
Jenn xx

I'd never want to lvie in London either, but I did nearly end up doing a PhD at Royal Holloway - while it's a college of the University of London, it's outside the main conurbation, and is quite green and airy, so if your objection is the general unpleasantness of central London (like mine is), then it might be worth a look anyway.
Reply 3
Slim pickings from a Prospects search. There is a course at Dundee that you might like:

MSc Intelligent Computational Systems
Reply 4
Thanks very much for all your suggestions. I don't think any of those courses would really suit me (afraid I object to more than just the general unpleasantness of the centre of London) but thank you very much for your help :smile: I might look into a Masters by research I guess, or I might just go for employment instead as per my original plan.
Thanks again!
Jenn xx