The Student Room Group

What to do..?

This guy really likes me and I think he thinks I am leading him on, he thinks I like him too which I don't really. Anyway I know I need to tell him that.
As well as this, I have a really good friend (male) and I tell him about this stuff, anyway sometimes I think I like him more than a friend and I sent him a txt saying I need to tell this other guy that I don't like him because I may like someone else.. He knew I was talking about him and I just got really defensive and told him that it wasn't him.
But really it was him.. should I do anything about it? I really don't think he thinks of me in that way at all though- maybe I should just go for this other guy.. so confused..:confused:
go for neither, sounds like a jeremy kyle show just waiting to happen
Reply 2
Tautologies say that you will go for whom you most prefer. Think more, and determine who you like most
Reply 3
Well, first of all, DONT go for the guy who likes you, as you'll only regret seeing him as you dont really like him back. As for your friend well, thats a tough one. At the end of the day its down to you to decide whether its worth taking the risk of telling him how you feel. Usually i find if he's a really close friend, it wont really make any difference to how things are between you if he doesnt like you in that way, and even if it is a bit awkward at first, it gets better.

But everyone's different i guess, so just go with your instincts is my advice :smile: xxxxx
Reply 4
Thanks Sazzy.. your right, I don't think I'll go for either.. My friend means to much to me, even though doubt I mean to the same to him and the other guy I don't really like, though I do like speaking to him and stuff, we'll see..

Thanks anyway!
Reply 5
glad i could help! :biggrin: xxxxxx