The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Well, if she's 16 she probably still wears her school uniform...
Reply 2
I'm a 19 y/old guy and I have a 16 y/old GF...

and i really like the idea of her in her school uniform.

is this completely skanky?

no i wouldnt say so, different things turn different people on. look at sex shops, and the clothing one can buy, amongst the nurse unifroms and firemen suits, there is always a school uniform. the school unifrom has become a sexual outfit! dont wory about it! (as long as you dont start liking 5 year olds in uniforms:p: lol)
Reply 3
exactly she still has it and it has been suggested (lol) that she wear it one time...

yeah not so much liking the 5 yr olds just yet so hopefully i'm safe!
Reply 4
exactly she still has it and it has been suggested (lol) that she wear it one time...

bring it out, if she feels comfortable to do so, make her wear it! spice things up! itl be fun for the both of you

yeah not so much liking the 5 yr olds just yet so hopefully i'm safe!

lol! good good! :biggrin:
Reply 5
Umm... :smile:
Reply 6
Not as long as you're both mature enough to be in a relationship. I don't think I could go out with a 16-year-old because they'd just be too immature and also in a very different stage of their life. There's a big difference between 16 and 19; 16 is GCSE student, 19 is post A-level or whatever. I think it would feel kinda wrong, for me personally anyway. I'm sure it would work for some people, however.
Reply 7
i do totally know what you mean, and sometimes it does cross my mind but it's been so good so far and neither of us want to give up on it just because of a number (cheesy i know)

what is the youngest girl you would consider then?
Reply 8
I doubt I'd go out with anyone under 18. I'll be going into 2nd year of uni in september. I'd definitely date a 1st year, but not an A-level student.
Reply 9
i wanna stick up for 16 yr old girls now. Everyone thinks just because one person in the relationship is a proper adult and the other is almost one. That its wrong! Who are 16 yr old girls supose to date then? 16 yr old lads are too immature from my experience, its proven that girls go for older guys to find someone of equal maturity.

When i was 16 i was seeing 18 and 19 year olds, it felt normal and right. There was no maturity gap or difference in lifestyles, so what he went to the pub occasionally without me. Thats no different to now, he goes out with his male friends and i go with my girl friends. There are other things a 16 and 19 yr old couple can do.
Reply 10
When I was 16 I was with 22-ish year olds... Because they're on my level of maturity...
Reply 11
I don't think there's a massive gap between 16 and 19. I know a lot of my friends went out with older guys when we were 16 and there was never a major problem with maturuty levels. Girls do mature faster than boys, after all.