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Reply 1
No you are not weird and def not stupid. 19 is still a young age and you have a lot of time to be in a relationship so don't rush and ignore your mates. Live life to the max :smile:
Reply 2
No you aren't weird! The right person that you wish to date will come along when you least expect it, try not too look for it and it'll find you when you dont realise. Just chill out, at 19 you have far better things to worry about!
Reply 3
Trust me your are not weird, it is perfectly normal, 19 may seem old to some people but it really isnt that old. Just wait until you are ready, dont feel pressurized to go into a relationship unless you want to. Basically just be you, if you fancy giving a relationship a try go for it, if not dont, either way is perfectly fine :P
Reply 4
nope - it's fine as everyone says. just chillax, it'll all come to you when the time is right :smile:
Reply 5
dont stress, the right guy will come along soon enough. you'll appreciate him even more if he's the first :smile: i felt a bit like that between two boyfriends, like nobody could match the first guy i was serious about but that phase didn't last too long. don't worry, really!
your not weird at all. Best way is to take your time, you'll probably find someone when you least expect it
Reply 7
thanks guys! i just always wonder whether im being too picky!! after all, i dont wana end up a complete loner who has to buy loads of animals to comfort herself!!! :biggrin:
ok, im 19 and ive never had a real boyfriend, i had ones in primary school-but can hardly call those boyfriends!!! all my mates think im a bit wierd because of it. ive got close to a few guys, but its just never seemed right to start a relationship. im definatley straight, so it cant be that! im just not sure if i should just try a relationship? am i stupid in waiting??

God doesn't want you to have a boyfriend. Maybe he doesn't like you.
Reply 9
Wonderboy Blue
God doesn't want you to have a boyfriend. Maybe he doesn't like you.

not funny.
Reply 10
Wonderboy Blue
God doesn't want you to have a boyfriend. Maybe he doesn't like you.

ha! if anything, it would be the opposite, God loves me so much that he wouldnt want me to have a boyf incase i got hurt :p: :biggrin:
ha! if anything, it would be the opposite, God loves me so much that he wouldnt want me to have a boyf incase i got hurt :p: :biggrin:

He told you that did he?

Jerk your body like a horny pony would :wink:
yes...yes you're weird
Reply 13
I think I'm going to be one of those people who'll buy lots of cats and be lonely :frown:
ok, im 19 and ive never had a real boyfriend, i had ones in primary school-but can hardly call those boyfriends!!! all my mates think im a bit wierd because of it. ive got close to a few guys, but its just never seemed right to start a relationship. im definatley straight, so it cant be that! im just not sure if i should just try a relationship? am i stupid in waiting??

Not at all. You're not in a small minority.
Don't listen to all those who say your weird, cuz its not true, its refreshing to hear someone not jumping into bed at the earliest opportuntity
im male and 19 and i havent had a g/f for about 5 years...

but it doesnt really bother me, if the right girl came along, id want a g/f

but dont understand this mad rush to "commit" to someone...i dont need someone else to support me, my other needs can be met by myself (without wanting to be crude)

so dont see what this mad rush to have someone to depend on, or be depended on by someone is.
Don't listen to all those who say your weird, cuz its not true, its refreshing to hear someone not jumping into bed at the earliest opportuntity

:eek: I think you're weird as well
:eek: I think you're weird as well

you seem to think everyone is weird, seriously whats wrong with not having a partner at 19?
you seem to think everyone is weird, seriously whats wrong with not having a partner at 19?

Firstly, don't generalise, I didn't state that 'everyone' is/was weird. The OP asked a question and I answered it.

Secondly, whats wrong with 'having' a partner at 19? Having a partner at whatever age doesn't necessarily imply that its a sexual partnership.

Thirdly, I still think you're weird-for indefinable reasons:rolleyes: