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Best way to get over someone?

Well my story is a bit... f**kd up to be honest. And In the whole I have been a **** but of course half the people think I am the other half dont.

So basically my ex girlfriend and I went on a break I got with someone I fancied and fancied me. She was my ex's friend (not best frriend). Anyway she got with 4 people in this break period etc.

But Our relationship was a bit... stretched I think is a bad word to use but its all I can think off. She was ignoring me, taking me for granted, breaking promises and lieing to me... so it was obvious what to do right? But none-the-less it was VERY hard to do. I cant even describe how hard it is to do.

Can I have any advise how to get over her? (I am now with her friend now which does make me seem like even more of a **** i know) :frown:
This is why breaks are never a good idea in a relationships because this sort of thing happens.

Probably best to have a good night out with your mates or something and keep yourself busy and most importantly don't show your upset in front of her.
Reply 2
Are you still with your ex's friend?
Reply 3
(I am now with her friend now which does make me seem like even more of a **** i know) :frown:

I guess so. She said she wanted to go out with me, and I did want to go out with her... still do. My only problem is I dont want to hurt her if I am on the rebound :frown: although i wanted to go out with her before.... so does that mean its not rebound? :s-smilie:
Reply 4
Oh yes sorry, missed that last bit. To be honest it's not a good idea to get a new girlfriend if you're not at all over your ex as it could easily end in tears especially for the new girl. I don't believe you can love two people at once, surely as you chose this girl over your girlfriend, that suggests you are already over her? :confused:
Reply 5
Oh yes sorry, missed that last bit. To be honest it's not a good idea to get a new girlfriend if you're not at all over your ex as it could easily end in tears especially for the new girl. I don't believe you can love two people at once, surely as you chose this girl over your girlfriend, that suggests you are already over her? :confused:

I guess your right... but at the same time so wrong. my now ex was my first true love so i guess its arguable whether ill ever get over her. And I know its pretty much imppossible to love 2 people at once, and I can tell you I dont as yet "love" the "new" girl. She does mean A LOT to me though. an awful lot...
I guess so. She said she wanted to go out with me, and I did want to go out with her... still do. My only problem is I dont want to hurt her if I am on the rebound :frown: although i wanted to go out with her before.... so does that mean its not rebound? :s-smilie:

Silly boy, sort yourself out please before you embark on hurting these poor girls' feelings
Reply 7
I guess your right... but at the same time so wrong. my now ex was my first true love so i guess its arguable whether ill ever get over her. And I know its pretty much imppossible to love 2 people at once, and I can tell you I dont as yet "love" the "new" girl. She does mean A LOT to me though. an awful lot...

Normally when people are trying to get over someone, they're trying to get over still wanting to be with them, but you don't want to be with her, and you're not in love with her any more either. You want to be with someone else, so why not just focus on that?
hate them
Well my story is a bit... f**kd up to be honest. And In the whole I have been a **** but of course half the people think I am the other half dont.

So basically my ex girlfriend and I went on a break I got with someone I fancied and fancied me. She was my ex's friend (not best frriend). Anyway she got with 4 people in this break period etc.

But Our relationship was a bit... stretched I think is a bad word to use but its all I can think off. She was ignoring me, taking me for granted, breaking promises and lieing to me... so it was obvious what to do right? But none-the-less it was VERY hard to do. I cant even describe how hard it is to do.

Can I have any advise how to get over her? (I am now with her friend now which does make me seem like even more of a **** i know) :frown:

just concentrate on this new relationship, ignore and forget the past, its not as if she was very good to you is it. this new girlfriend could be the answer to forgetting her :smile:
Reply 10
Take a holiday and keep yourself busy and when you get back you'll have forgotten about it all.
Reply 11
Silly boy, sort yourself out please before you embark on hurting these poor girls' feelings

haha very true. Hence im asking opions here before I do do anything.

maybe getting with the new girl will help, but I just dont want to risk hurting her :frown:
Take a holiday and keep yourself busy and when you get back you'll have forgotten about it all.

Easier said than done, can't do it if you ain't got the money
Reply 13
Easier said than done, can't do it if you ain't got the money

Go backpacking? Stay in a hostel, it cant cost that much.
haha very true. Hence im asking opions here before I do do anything.

maybe getting with the new girl will help, but I just dont want to risk hurting her :frown:

sometimes in llife you have to be selfish, at the moment you are unhappy, your feelings take priority- be with this girl if you want to be, and if she helps great! BUt if you're doing it fo some other reason to make the old gf jeealous or whatever then dump the girl, cos you only end up messing yourself up.
Reply 15
I dont want to make my ex jealous. I am not like that, i just want to be friends with her and I know that is going to take some time...
I dont want to make my ex jealous. I am not like that, i just want to be friends with her and I know that is going to take some time...

right, well be friends with her then:smile: or wont she let you be her friend? and if so why not?
Reply 17
She said something about being friends after a few weeks. She needs time to cool down or something
She said something about being friends after a few weeks. She needs time to cool down or something

then wait, if she wanted time to chill then giver he it:smile: you dont want to bug her do you.. the only problem with being friends with her is that if you want to be with her, the friendhip wont work!