The Student Room Group
Reply 1
So you have actually met him in person? :smile:
Reply 2
yeah many times!
Reply 3
i think honesty is always the best policy-always! no matter what the situation. and you will feel a lot beter about it after you are honest. you obviuosly feel some guilt about lieng to them or else you woudlnt have asked the question, so the longer you leave it, the more guilty you will feel! it will grow inside you. and at the end of the day, it worked out well and youre happy with him! they cant turn around and say 'well you know all these storys about chat rooms and how u find wierdos!' -as parents do!
Reply 4
so far we've managed to meet regularly

Well uve met him do you really have to go into details how you've met him? And even if you do I know a few people who've met their significant others online.As long as you know its for real and your safe there shouldnt be any problem
Reply 5
Yes I think you should tell them then, it's going well now so it shouldn't matter how you met! :smile:
ok well..i met this lad on chat on my phone,He's from ireland and im from near manchester(bit of a distance)so far we've managed to meet regularly and have contact on the phone regular,Hes just a normal lad hes actually a sucessfull footballer,which i have checked out!!Its getting quite serious between us,Ive lied to my family and most of my friends about how I have met him,Im sick of lieing about it,should I tell them?

ffs just tell them...they can't exactly stop you from seeing him, now can they?:rolleyes:
Honesty is the key