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Just overheard that I'm crap at my job

I've just started working for my mum as a summer job and earlier I overheard her telling my dad that I'm basically crap at it and not good enough to keep up, and slower to take to it than her other employees. Feel really upset and hurt that she couldn't even tell me to my face. I don't want to go back into work now, and my self confidence is completely knocked. What should I do?

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confront her, that'll shock her! giver her a taste of her own medecine as it were!
I'd tackle your mother about this, because thats not fair her going behind your back like that, least she could have done is tell you how you can get better at your job.
I've just started working for my mum as a summer job and earlier I overheard her telling my dad that I'm basically crap at it and not good enough to keep up, and slower to take to it than her other employees. Feel really upset and hurt that she couldn't even tell me to my face. I don't want to go back into work now, and my self confidence is completely knocked. What should I do?

also i would work extra hard to prove her wrong!
Reply 4
I've just started working for my mum as a summer job and earlier I overheard her telling my dad that I'm basically crap at it and not good enough to keep up, and slower to take to it than her other employees. Feel really upset and hurt that she couldn't even tell me to my face. I don't want to go back into work now, and my self confidence is completely knocked. What should I do?

If you don't mind my asking; what does this 'summer job' entail, exactly?
Reply 5
It's work in a sandwich bar. Involves serving customers, using the till, making food, the usual. I feel like crying.
It's work in a sandwich bar. Involves serving customers, using the till, making food, the usual. I feel like crying.

oh dont worry about it- just talk to your mum. she had no right to do this to you- she should have told you face to face! confront her now or you ll feel worse for not having mentioned it, and if you talk to her she can give you feedback to help you improve :smile:
Reply 7
I did confront her, and she just denied it and tried to "soften" what she said.
I did confront her, and she just denied it and tried to "soften" what she said.

how did she soften it?
Reply 9
"I just said that it's taking you slightly longer than some of the others to adapt to it...." blah blah blah. In fact I heard her say that she doesn't think I'm good enough to keep up. I feel utterly thick and useless.
"I just said that it's taking you slightly longer than some of the others to adapt to it...." blah blah blah. In fact I heard her say that she doesn't think I'm good enough to keep up. I feel utterly thick and useless.

dont be daft, some people just cant work in jobs like that! i find some jobs so tedious that i just cant concentrate and look stupid when i know full well that im more qualified and more intelligent than my fellow employees! it just means that working in a sandwich shop is not your vocation in life! :smile:
Get better.
If you think that you are good at your job then this shouldn't upset you. If you agree with her that you aren't that good then get better or get another job
Reply 13
I've just started working for my mum as a summer job and earlier I overheard her telling my dad that I'm basically crap at it and not good enough to keep up, and slower to take to it than her other employees. Feel really upset and hurt that she couldn't even tell me to my face. I don't want to go back into work now, and my self confidence is completely knocked. What should I do?

Oh cmon, thats a common tactic when you have a crap employee that you don't wanna fire or hurt.

She loves you, which is why she didn't tell you or fire you. She doesn't want to hurt your confidence, just give you a bit of summer cash.

Don't be too hard on her.

ps. I'm not saying you're a crap employee :smile:
Reply 14
But WHY am I so bad? I'm academically pretty bright, having been predicted all As in my A-Levels and been offered a place at one of the best universities in the country. So I'm intelligent, yet when it comes to doing something as basic as making sandwiches in a shop, I'm useless. For some reason it's just completely knocked my self esteem.
ask her if theres anything your doing wrong and if she can maybe help you improve?
ah the classis scenario- bright academic student doesnt feel at home in the practical field

dnt wory its the same with me- at work i feel pretty slow (only bin workin there a weeK but i feel im pickin up things a bit slower
Reply 17
I have spoken to her about it, but my dad butted in and said he didn't have time for my "amateur dramatics" and that I was being extremely self pitying and immature. I was being calm when I spoke to my mum, but as soon as he said that I flew of the handle, he drives me insane!!! He accuses me of being immature whilst he stands there himself screaming and spitting like a five year old.
But WHY am I so bad? I'm academically pretty bright, having been predicted all As in my A-Levels and been offered a place at one of the best universities in the country. So I'm intelligent, yet when it comes to doing something as basic as making sandwiches in a shop, I'm useless. For some reason it's just completely knocked my self esteem.

look if you read my previous post, you'll see that i'm the same, brighter more intelligent etc than fellow work employees but you can't do the job as well as them. some people are made that way! others can adapt- i can't tedious jobs and me never work, but that's me. it sounds as though you're the same! look you're not missing out on much though are you! Sandwiches are all well and good but degrees have a lot more prestige in the real world :smile:
I have spoken to her about it, but my dad butted in and said he didn't have time for my "amateur dramatics" and that I was being extremely self pitying and immature. I was being calm when I spoke to my mum, but as soon as he said that I flew of the handle, he drives me insane!!! He accuses me of being immature whilst he stands there himself screaming and spitting like a five year old.

well you'll be at uni soon :wink: free from them :smile: plus why does it matter if you can't make sandwiches?