The Student Room Group

One night stands

This question might sound a bit strange but It has been on my mind for a while now. I just wanted to know just in case it ever happens, what would you do contraception wise if you were planning to have a one night stand? I am not on the pill and well, what happens if I get carried away and don't want to get pregnant, I suppose use a condom is the solution but condoms are not very reliable on their own. And Its not possible to go on the pill for a week and stop, see what I mean? Do you think it's necessarry going on the pill before university even though, I don't have a boyfriend?
Thanks for your advice.

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Personally i would just go on the pill before uni. Then you will never have to worrie about sorting it out later instead of before.
But remember always use a comdom even if you're on the pill.
Reply 2
if you think you could possibly have a one night stand, then go on the pill. you cant loose that way!
Condoms are something like 98% reliable, so I'd say that's more than 'not very'. Still, you are right to want more protection. As above, just go on the pill. Also, the best known contraceptive is to simply say no :wink:
Pill is pretty useful anyway... You can make sure you don't have periods during exams for a start. Read the little leaflet that comes with condoms, the better they're put on the more reliable they are.
thyre 99.9% reliable!
Reply 6
Use a condom, run the risk. Its only 98% because 10% of the population dont know how to put one on properly. And the odd 1 in a 1000 chance of it being manufactured poorly.
Use a condom, run the risk. Its only 98% because 10% of the population dont know how to put one on properly. And the odd 1 in a 1000 chance of it being manufactured poorly.

Reply 8
although condoms are very reliable i would stil sugest you go on the pill, that way if you do have a one night stand and neither of you have a condom on you, you are stil prety safe.
Not safe from STDs.

Condom. Two if you're paranoid. :rolleyes:
Reply 10
Even when posted flippantly, the old man in me feels impelled to point out that wearing two condoms would actually increase the chance of unwanted pregnancy as they are not designed to be worn like that and would rub together and split.

And, yeah, wear a condom is the simple, one size fits all answer to this thread.

I worry about how people reach university age thinking condoms "aren't very reliable". They are. They're tested incredibly rigorously. Used as instructed, pregnancy won't result. It's pretty much as simple as that.

I'm not proud (but equally not ashamed) to say I've had a number of said encounters at uni.

I'm not a father, and I've not caught anything.

The pill does not protect of STD's use a condom if your gonna have a 1 night stand especially if its with a stranger
Reply 12
Even when posted flippantly, the old man in me feels impelled to point out that wearing two condoms would actually increase the chance of unwanted pregnancy as they are not designed to be worn like that and would rub together and split.

No offence, but I hardly think anyone would honestly think "i know, i'll wear two condoms".
Reply 13
i'm surprised that no one has mentioned the morning after pill.. though again, doesn't safeguard you from STD's, which are nicely passed on during one night stands (especially if you have many of them) =)
Reply 14
i'm surprised that no one has mentioned the morning after pill.. though again, doesn't safeguard you from STD's, which are nicely passed on during one night stands (especially if you have many of them) =)

Err maybe because the morning after pill is EMERGENCY contraception and not to be used as a form of regular contraception?
Err maybe because the morning after pill is EMERGENCY contraception and not to be used as a form of regular contraception?

Agreed it does your body no good at all
Reply 16
The pill does not protect of STD's use a condom if your gonna have a 1 night stand especially if its with a stranger

I don't think we can emphasise this enough... Wear a condom if it's a one night stand, even if he says he's clean!
Reply 17
err, i know that. i meant as in if the.. oh what's the use. you will just batter me down again.
Reply 18
Agreed it does your body no good at all

Aye, that and it's not very effective.
Reply 19
ok, ok, whatever. i'll keep my sodding mouth shut in future.