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KCL non-accredited biomedical science degree

I chose Kings as my firm for Biomedical Science because I love that you can pick and choose your modules, however the degree is not accredited. I was wondering how difficult would it be to find employment?

Also, I am hoping to do a Masters and get into research for a pharmaceutical company. What careers apart from teaching do biomed graduates enter?
Hi HelloGoodbye,
The Biomedical Science BSc interdisciplinary degree is one of our more popular programmes due its flexibility and choice. Yes, we have elected not to seek accreditation with the Institute of Biomedical Science but we have found that a wide range of employment exists for bioscientists in fields like fundamental research, drug industries, research management and teaching. Jobs in these fields require people with a proven ability of advanced study and a flexible approach to the biomedical sciences.
External review bodies and employers have repeatedly noted the need for well-rounded science graduates and a flexible bioscience degree provides exactly for these needs. Students from our programme are well-placed for entry to medicine, dentistry, teaching or other careers such as science administration, science journalism or careers in the pharmaceutical industry. Recent graduates have also found opportunities as stockbrokers, management consultants, strategy analysts and researchers.

The programme offers options like study abroad or year in industry which will also expand your employability. Selected students are given the chance of studying the entire second year abroad at universities in the USA, Singapore, Australia or at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. You may also be offered the chance to take an additional extramural year outside King’s between your second and final year, working in an industrial or research establishment in the UK or elsewhere in Europe. These opportunities expands both your work and research experience, and often improve your choice of job opportunities after graduation.

As you are interested in working for a pharma company after you complete your MA, you may be interested to read about our Pharmaceutical related MA degrees.

I hope this is helpful for you. Let me know if you have any other questions or want to speak to someone in Career Services or in Biomedical Sciences.

Reply 2
My daughter wasted 3 years of her life and has ~£60K of student loan piledvyo her name for next to no job opportunities after wirking herself into the ground at KCL. This degree is only any good if you want to continue studying to get a masters.
Apply for Medicine - the real course
Reply 4
Just so you know you can’t pick modules in first year as they’re all compulsory. But you can pretty much choose anything in second year. I love it personally. I love kings and the course. They have a great careers service which do talks in first year and you can talk to them whenever you want
Original post by HelloGoodbye
I chose Kings as my firm for Biomedical Science because I love that you can pick and choose your modules, however the degree is not accredited. I was wondering how difficult would it be to find employment?

Also, I am hoping to do a Masters and get into research for a pharmaceutical company. What careers apart from teaching do biomed graduates enter?

hey I know its been like 9 years and I just wanted to know how u are getting along, because I'm in year 13 this year and I'm looking forward to do biomed and work in a pharmaceutical company
Reply 6
Original post by King’s College London
Hi HelloGoodbye,
The Biomedical Science BSc interdisciplinary degree is one of our more popular programmes due its flexibility and choice. Yes, we have elected not to seek accreditation with the Institute of Biomedical Science but we have found that a wide range of employment exists for bioscientists in fields like fundamental research, drug industries, research management and teaching. Jobs in these fields require people with a proven ability of advanced study and a flexible approach to the biomedical sciences.
External review bodies and employers have repeatedly noted the need for well-rounded science graduates and a flexible bioscience degree provides exactly for these needs. Students from our programme are well-placed for entry to medicine, dentistry, teaching or other careers such as science administration, science journalism or careers in the pharmaceutical industry. Recent graduates have also found opportunities as stockbrokers, management consultants, strategy analysts and researchers.

The programme offers options like study abroad or year in industry which will also expand your employability. Selected students are given the chance of studying the entire second year abroad at universities in the USA, Singapore, Australia or at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. You may also be offered the chance to take an additional extramural year outside King’s between your second and final year, working in an industrial or research establishment in the UK or elsewhere in Europe. These opportunities expands both your work and research experience, and often improve your choice of job opportunities after graduation.

As you are interested in working for a pharma company after you complete your MA, you may be interested to read about our Pharmaceutical related MA degrees.

I hope this is helpful for you. Let me know if you have any other questions or want to speak to someone in Career Services or in Biomedical Sciences.


Hello. Is this still the case? Is the biochemistry degree not accredited still?

Also, if you choose molecular genetics, is that accredited?

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