The Student Room Group
Yeh i managed to switch the NatSci. I emailed the admissions tutor and explained to them that after researching more into the syllabus for the Natural Sciences, Ive decided that I'd much rather study that than Physics (my original thing). I think they're quite flexible about it as long as they aren't scarily over-subscribed :smile:
Reply 2
I'm not really that sure what i want to study, so i thought combined social sciences would be better.

Are you already at Durham, or did you switch when you were there? my offer for sociology is bbb and for combined social scienes would be abb. I would rather wait till i get there in case i don't get the higher grades. If got 3 bs do you think i would still be in with a chance of switching?
Reply 3
like ken i also switched from psychology & philosophy to natural scineces. They seemed pretty okay about it. I didn't justify why i want to switch or give any indication that durham was goin 2 b my first choice - it now is but they still switched. I went on the open day and they said that it's easy to switch courses in the first four weeks but i'd still try and get it changed beforehand incase u can't when u get there...
Reply 4
I'm worried that if i try and get it changed now, i'll end up with a higher offer. In which case i may not get there at all?
Reply 5
I'm worried that if i try and get it changed now, i'll end up with a higher offer. In which case i may not get there at all?

Why don't you ask the college then?
I'm worried that if i try and get it changed now, i'll end up with a higher offer. In which case i may not get there at all?

i changed now and i got a higher offer, it sucks.
Reply 7
i changed now and i got a higher offer, it sucks.

It should motivate you more then.
yeh thats true i suppose, atm im mainly concerned about getting the A in art, coz it takes up loads of time
Reply 9
I think it depends on the department. Shilling mentioned that she tried to swap, but the department she wanted (Philosophy) was full. However, Ken managed to swap to NatSci, I think. You could always ring up and ask :smile: What else were you considering doing?

It doesn't really matter, but I didn't ask to swap to philosophy - what happened was, that I had originally applied for English lit. with philosophy, but was only made an offer for English lit...apparently, because the philosophy department was full - or so they told me in an email. (They had to explain this by email, because, although they sent me a whole stack of sheets, they decided to leave this little detail out when they sent me my offer, meaning that I was very confused when I saw that the course code wasn't the one I had actually applied for.)
Reply 10
I really badly wanted to change courses and recently managed to (although I seemed to cause a lot of chaos lol!). If you change before you get to Durham, the other problem is that you may have to change college if your college is oversubscribed in the subject you want to change to. Luckily St Aidans still accepted me so that wasn't a problem for me but just letting you know! It can definately be done but if you were going to change course before you got there I'd contact them asap!
Reply 11
Oops, sorry, I got mixed up. But that's impressive, they must have thought you were such a good candidate that they wanted to try and get you to Durham, even if the course was full. Hopefully you should be able to take philosophy modules anyway:smile:

Lol...yeah, I spent quite a while trying to work out whether I was miffed that philosophy didn't want me, or flattered that English lit. want me anyway...
But then I realized that they do that quite a lot actually. A girl in my French parallel class, was made an offer for geography with education, although she only applied for geography, because that course was already full.
Reply 12
I think once you are there they are quite flexible as long as you've got the grades for the other course.
Reply 13
And even if not, if you've shown ability in the course you are taking, and that you're dedicated, they're more likely to allow you to swap.

Though you'd think they wouldn't want to let you go then.
Oooh.. This thread is real useful. My roomie wants to switch from BSc Geography to Geology. Do you think she should switch now, or when she arrives at Durham?
Oooh.. This thread is real useful. My roomie wants to switch from BSc Geography to Geology. Do you think she should switch now, or when she arrives at Durham?

at the open days they said that the main thing is getting in. once you are in, then switching within departments is fairly straight forward. so id say wait until you get there unless youre thinking of major changes
just to say to person doing sociology at durham that combined social sciences is prob full now as its VERY oversubscribed. I put social sciences as first choice, sociology for second and even tho typical grades are ABB for combined, they offered me AAB?!? But u shud prob try n change if ur not happy. what college did u get into? I got offers at mildert and st johns!