The Student Room Group

Have you ever seen a hot girl that is just unpopular?

When I say hot I'm talking in a Megan Fox-eqsue way... someone who is just plain HOT.

I was watching a youtube video of this make up tutorial girl who is mega hot, no two ways about it, and she was talking about loving how you look and who you are. I was thinking sure that's easy to say when you are pretty much a 10/10 and would be considered at least attractive by basically everyone you meet. Then she was talking about being weird and how she didn't always fit in and was insecure with her personality (kind of the gist of it, she didn't explicitly say this) and it got me thinking... aside from the fact that I don't know many people who are THAT attractive (I can't even think of one right now)... I still have never seen a girl that is really really attractive being seen as weird or unpopular.

I'm not talking about pretty cutesy girl next door types or people who were late bloomers (as in, unattractive or plain as a kid but that all changed when they turned 18 or whatever)...

It's probably less to do with how they look and more to do with being confident to be fair.

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Not from secondary to sixthform no.

Uni is another story though.
(edited 10 years ago)
Reply 2
Original post by Moura
When I say hot I'm talking in a Megan Fox-eqsue way... someone who is just plain HOT.

I was watching a youtube video of this make up tutorial girl who is mega hot, no two ways about it, and she was talking about loving how you look and who you are. I was thinking sure that's easy to say when you are pretty much a 10/10 and would be considered at least attractive by basically everyone you meet. Then she was talking about being weird and how she didn't always fit in and was insecure with her personality (kind of the gist of it, she didn't explicitly say this) and it got me thinking... aside from the fact that I don't know many people who are THAT attractive (I can't even think of one right now)... I still have never seen a girl that is really really attractive being seen as weird or unpopular.

I'm not talking about pretty cutesy girl next door types or people who were late bloomers (as in, unattractive or plain as a kid but that all changed when they turned 18 or whatever)...

It's probably less to do with how they look and more to do with being confident to be fair.

Do you want my honest opinion?

I'm going to assume you said yes.

Basically, I wouldn't say these kinds of things if I were you. It may be construed that you are merely looking for solace for your own perceived aesthetic shortcomings.
Reply 3
Original post by James Gee
Do you want my honest opinion?

I'm going to assume you said yes.

Basically, I wouldn't say these kinds of things if I were you. It may be construed that you are merely looking for solace for your own perceived aesthetic shortcomings.

I said no...

I'm happy with who I am :smile: This post had nothing to do with me, ha. I was just wondering because of this youtuber implying she was unpopular at school (though she did later say when she started wearing make-up and girly clothes she got popular) and it got me thinking that I have never seen or heard of a really hot girl being unpopular, unless she used to be nothing special/tomboyish and then bloomed.
Reply 4
Original post by Moura
I said no...

I'm happy with who I am :smile: This post had nothing to do with me, ha. I was just wondering because of this youtuber implying she was unpopular at school (though she did later say when she started wearing make-up and girly clothes she got popular) and it got me thinking that I have never seen or heard of a really hot girl being unpopular, unless she used to be nothing special/tomboyish and then bloomed.

Yes you may well be happy with who you are but that is not say that other people will not become suspicious if you're creating threads like these. The notion that pretty people are automatically popular is somewhat unfair and I would advise you do not allow yourself to think in such ways. It is discrediting their personalities and the inter-personal skills they have.

The other thing is, you run the risk of coming across as bitter because you weren't popular.
Reply 5
I've never seen an unpopular hot person of either gender.
Reply 6
Yeah, you can be hot and unpopular, since not everyone's personality suits being popular. It's relatively rare though I think - maybe because being pretty growing up provides you with social conditioning to be used to and enjoy popularity. I know a girl who is hot but doesn't have many friends in her peer group for example, but I'm pretty sure she could be popular if she wanted to.
Reply 7
Have you ever seen a rich guy who can't get women?
Reply 8
My boyfriends ex was really hot and everyone hated her, she had no friends and was bullied in first year.

She was a disgusting human being though.
Reply 9
Original post by redferry
My boyfriends ex was really hot and everyone hated her, she had no friends and was bullied in first year.

She was a disgusting human being though.

What does that say about your boyfriend?
Reply 10
Only if they've been caught doing something wrong. Like for example if they lied about something big and everyone's found out. Other than that, not really no but of course it's possible.
Reply 11
Original post by James Gee
Yes you may well be happy with who you are but that is not say that other people will not become suspicious if you're creating threads like these. The notion that pretty people are automatically popular is somewhat unfair and I would advise you do not allow yourself to think in such ways. It is discrediting their personalities and the inter-personal skills they have.

The other thing is, you run the risk of coming across as bitter because you weren't popular.

lol suspicious of what? it's an online forum where people discuss things.

seeing as you clearly didn't read what I originally wrote, you might want to go back and look at the point where I said firstly I am not just talking about "pretty" people (as I know plenty of pretty people who are not/were not "popular")...I mean "hot"... and I also said it's probably due to confidence.

I don't really care how I come across, again it's an online forum. The people that know me in real life are who matter and they know I am not.
Reply 12
Original post by jamieTT
What does that say about your boyfriend?

That he dated an evil bitch? She physically attacked him when they broke up...
Reply 13
Original post by redferry
That he dated an evil bitch? She physically attacked him when they broke up...

That's my point. Why would anyone date an evil bitch?
Depends , I mean if we are talking a girl so hot people literally turn heads when she walks down the street as opposed to a merely pretty girl then I think its quite hard for the former to be unnoticed as she would likely garner such adoration and respect from both sexes . If they really deviate from mainstream and are shy , alternative , etc then I think it is possible though.

In my experience there are a few , but most hot girls are just like magnets and pick up friends and followers wherever they go due to their attractive aesthetics and personalities.
Reply 15
Original post by jamieTT
That's my point. Why would anyone date an evil bitch?

Because you are naive and haven't had a relationship before and feel bad for someone because they are picked on and have no friends?
Reply 16
Original post by redferry
Because you are naive and haven't had a relationship before and feel bad for someone because they are picked on and have no friends?

Or because she was hot and that overrides being an evil bitch for most men.
Reply 17
Original post by jamieTT
Or because she was hot and that overrides being an evil bitch for most men.

I believe it was more he fell for her and painted her in his mind as some poor unfortunate girl who needed looking after because everyone was mean to her. I'm sure looks were a big part of the initial attraction though.
Reply 18
Original post by Moura
I said no...

I'm happy with who I am :smile: This post had nothing to do with me, ha. I was just wondering because of this youtuber implying she was unpopular at school (though she did later say when she started wearing make-up and girly clothes she got popular) and it got me thinking that I have never seen or heard of a really hot girl being unpopular, unless she used to be nothing special/tomboyish and then bloomed.

"Hot" is not an objective standard. Popular people, who wear make up, girly clothes and have loads of friends/hangers on are "hot". "Hot" people are popular. There are plenty of stunning looking people who are not "hot" because they don't act/dress/present themselves as "hot" people.

To take your standard of "hot", if Megan Fox wore jeans and a hoody everyday with only a little bit of mascara, would she be as popular and "hot". No.
looks and popularity go hand in hand, so its probably very rare that you will find someone who is 'hot' and unpopular.