The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I think I might just wait til results day to sort it out then, that's still a month and a week before I go to Uni! Hopefully Student Loan people won't tell me it's too late to change my Bank details by then, anyone know if thats right?

Hopefully I'll get in in the first place :P
Reply 2
by you can get an account does that mean you apply online (for a student account now) then get the overdraft (studentify) after results day?

and is it the same if going through clearing (though already have informal offer)?

1 more; on Natwest online apply (i had a look); they want the name of uni if going through clearing (informal offer) do i leave it blank or put down informallly offered uni?

Reply 3
I think I might just wait til results day to sort it out then, that's still a month and a week before I go to Uni! Hopefully Student Loan people won't tell me it's too late to change my Bank details by then, anyone know if thats right?

Hopefully I'll get in in the first place :P

If you do it online, they change your details immediately, and send you a confirmation about 4 days later in the post.

Hmm, and I didn't apply for a student bank account until after results day, it only takes about 2-3 weeks to get it all sorted.
Reply 4
i opened a halifax student account yesterday with the onditional offer they gave me in december. No problems, also includes a £500 overdraft limit, which can go up if required and credit card.
Reply 5
I got all the Student Bank account stuff sent through by RBS even though I'm still waiting on my results. Which is weird.

When I get my grades, I'll go down to the bank and get them to studentify it.
Reply 6
(so you get an account and a card and cheque books etc but only get the overdraft and student bonuses once it's studentified)

With Natwest you don't get the overdraft till early September even with an unconditional.