The Student Room Group
Could be ingrown hairs. Try moisturising, only shaving after shower/bath, blah blah blah. Cue the more knowledgeable females correcting me.
Reply 2
^^spot on.

Haha, I am so funny. Just be sure to moisturise the area a lot.
Reply 3
yeh sounds like ingrowing hairs. moisturising wil prob be best. sometimes also not shavin for a while helps the hairs to grow out, then you can start again
Reply 4
Thanks guys, will try moisturising :smile:
You could always just not shave. I never get ingrowing hairs or anything.
Or maybe Pearly Vaginal Papules (sweat glands)

But probably hair folicles.
ingrown hairs or shaving rash. for me, it helps slightly if i exfoliate down there before i shave/wax. put moisturiser there after you remove the hairs for a few days. a really unorthodox cure is buy some nappy rash cream. it was reccomended to me to use on my healing tattoo but turns out it works down there too :p: