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Fry-ups are best, tis scientifically proven! If you really can't eat anything, drink loadsa water to re-hydrate yourself, and have soup or something.
Reply 2
I know how your feeling,i have a terrible hangover today although i havnt been sick,Ive just drank plenty of water and had lite things to eat, that made me feel much better,oh and i lazed around most of the day.:biggrin:
Reply 3
Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep :biggrin:
Reply 4
Get some tea. Go for a walk. Watch something funny on tv.
And next time eat something as soon as you get in! That'll stop you from getting a hangover in the first place.
Reply 6
I find a nice tall glass of cold milk helps, then a few hours later i get some lucozade in me, i think the lucozade the good thing about is you need the salt because you dehydrate when your on a bender hence loser a lot of salt.
Reply 7
i did i eat chips but maybe it was them that have made me feel so ill. normally im sick once and then i feel fine today im so hanging really bad :frown:
i did i eat chips but maybe it was them that have made me feel so ill. normally im sick once and then i feel fine today im so hanging really bad :frown:

Eww chips! What were you thinking?! Give your poor body a break lol.
Reply 9
Eww chips! What were you thinking?! Give your poor body a break lol.

yeah seemed like a good idea at the time aghhh my head i need to take something
sod not being able to eat force a great big dirty fry up, bacon sausage mushrooms fried egg, black pudding white pudding tomato, hash browns, fried bread (oooh thats making me hungry),
garunteed after the first mouthful (which is when your sure your gonna throw up) its heavenly.
honey on toast and coffee - works very well
Reply 12
keep on drinking. A double vodka followed by a cold lager usually defeats the hangover. Just don't drive, work, or operate heavy machinery.
Reply 13
Orange juice
Water and orange Juice, then a big fry-up, then go back to bed and sleep it off.
sod not being able to eat force a great big dirty fry up, bacon sausage mushrooms fried egg, black pudding white pudding tomato, hash browns, fried bread (oooh thats making me hungry),
garunteed after the first mouthful (which is when your sure your gonna throw up) its heavenly.

oh stop it, that sounds sooooo yummy. mmmmm *goes off to dream of fried bread*
a nice cup of tea and toasted sandwich always does it for me.
Reply 17
i've found that Resolve is awesome to get rid of hangovers

down a glass of it before you go to bed after a night out, then one when you wake up.

an hour later you'll be fine :smile:
bacon sandwich and a cup of tea :smile:
Reply 19
Have a cup of tea followed by a glass of cold juice, then get back to bed and sleep it off.