The Student Room Group

I'm so confused!

So I've been meeting up with this girl I've started to like again for the past few weeks (in a group, 5 of us in total) and we seem to be getting on fine and I'd say we're pretty close.

She's always telling me how lovely I am and stuff like that, always telling me that she "luvs" me (using "luv" as "love" is too strong of a word). We're always hugging, holding arms, holding hands every now and again and what not.

So I went around her house last week to watch a movie which was great. Played with each other throughout the movie, by that I mean stroking, arm around her, playing with her feet with my feet... meh.

Met up today, crap weather so on the way home she got her brolly out and we had our arms around each other walking back and mutters "if only <whatever his name was> could see this". Apprantely she's "seeing" this guy!

I'm not sure if I've taken things totally the wrong way but I thought things were going fine between me and her... If she's seeing someone why didn't she tell me sooner!?

To top it off she's asked me to goto the cinema next week. I'll let things go as they are but I'm a bit stumped.

I guess the best thing would be to speak to her.

Reply 1
the only thing you can do is ask her who this next dude is. oh, and go to the cinema with her.
Reply 2
oh dear oh dear. you've fallen into the 'just friends' territory. next time you see her, smack her arse, and greet her with a lecherous "nice tits!"
Reply 3
yeh speak to her, definatly. although your not official, and shes not official with the other dude, shes not being fair on both of you -she cant play you both. you need to make her make a decision, or at least find out what shes playin at. however, thats me, if you dont mind being with a girl whos also seeing som1 else then thats your call!

the 'if only..' i think could mean 2 things -1)i wish he could see it, hed be so jealous! or 2)if he could it, he would know what i like/want ...or it could mean something totally diff...any suggestions?!
She's always telling me how lovely I am and stuff like that, always telling me that she "luvs" me (using "luv" as "love" is too strong of a word). We're always hugging, holding arms, holding hands every now and again and what not.

How old is she, and what part of "like" is she not in favour of, when she clearly just thinks of you as a friend?

Edit: yeah, and things are going fine between you two as friends, and she clearly doesn't want to move that any further. Why do you? Rhetorical question.
Reply 5
oh dear oh dear. you've fallen into the 'just friends' territory.

i duno, i think would have to disagre. i dont hold hands with my guy friends, and i dont sit snuggled up with them thru a movie, and play with their arms and feet... thats major flirting! i would say it sounds more than friends.
the 'if only..' i think could mean 2 things -1)i wish he could see it, hed be so jealous! or 2)if he could it, he would know what i like/want ...or it could mean something totally diff...any suggestions?!

I suggest that #2 is a near impossibility, given the situation.
i duno, i think would have to disagre. i dont hold hands with my guy friends, and i dont sit snuggled up with them thru a movie, and play with their arms and feet... thats major flirting! i would say it sounds more than friends.

Really? I do that with some of my male friends... in other words, you're not everyone. :smile:
This is EXACTLY the same dillemma I'm in! There's this guy from college who I got really pally with, and he invited me to the pictures. I thought it was just a friends on a night out thing, but he paid for the tickets. He took me out for dinner for my birthday and everything. Everyone at college suspects we're going out, but we've never actually hugged or anything. He hasn't said anything to suggest we were going out, but we're constantly texting each other and meeting for lunch. Now I'm just bloody confused...
Reply 9
Really? I do that with some of my male friends... in other words, you're not everyone. :smile:

oh ok, fair enough. sorry:smile:
Reply 10
How old is she, and what part of "like" is she not in favour of, when she clearly just thinks of you as a friend?

Edit: yeah, and things are going fine between you two as friends, and she clearly doesn't want to move that any further. Why do you? Rhetorical question.

17. Also, how do you know that she doesn't want things to go further (e.g. how did you pick that up?)? It's obviously a lot clearer to you than me, or I would've stopped a long time ago. I could easily answer the rhetorical part but as you've stated it's exactly that, I won't :smile:
17. Also, how do you know that she doesn't want things to go further (e.g. how did you pick that up?)? It's obviously a lot clearer to you than me, or I would've stopped a long time ago. I could easily answer the rhetorical part but as you've stated it's exactly that, I won't :smile:

Well, maybe what I said was a bit strong - but she didn't tell you she was going out with him for nothing. Maybe she's just naturally flirty or isn't too serious with this guy. Maybe you do have a chance. But it's pretty unlikely... not being able to use the word "love", instead settling for a non-existent homophone? :confused: Plus the fact that you always go out in groups.

I'd go to the cinema, and see how she is with you alone, before deciding further - but while she's with this other guy (and as I said, she wouldn't have told you if she'd planned to get off with you, unless she's trying to make you jealous, which is weird and unlikely because it's morely likely to put you off), you have no chance. See what happens though. :smile:
Reply 12
well, they probably don't love each other, so why would they use the proper word.

like i said, in my infinite wisdom, smack her arse. if she's into you, she'll forgive you, and you'll be lovers in no time, if she's not, she'll still forgive you, since she obviously likes you.

i'm awesome at ths H&R business...
Reply 13
So I've been meeting up with this girl I've started to like again for the past few weeks (in a group, 5 of us in total) and we seem to be getting on fine and I'd say we're pretty close.

She's always telling me how lovely I am and stuff like that, always telling me that she "luvs" me (using "luv" as "love" is too strong of a word). We're always hugging, holding arms, holding hands every now and again and what not.

So I went around her house last week to watch a movie which was great. Played with each other throughout the movie, by that I mean stroking, arm around her, playing with her feet with my feet... meh.

Met up today, crap weather so on the way home she got her brolly out and we had our arms around each other walking back and mutters "if only <whatever his name was> could see this". Apprantely she's "seeing" this guy!

I'm not sure if I've taken things totally the wrong way but I thought things were going fine between me and her... If she's seeing someone why didn't she tell me sooner!?

To top it off she's asked me to goto the cinema next week. I'll let things go as they are but I'm a bit stumped.

I guess the best thing would be to speak to her.

Apparently, she's not 'seeing' as much of him as she'd like.
Reply 14
like i said, in my infinite wisdom, smack her arse. if she's into you, she'll forgive you, and you'll be lovers in no time, if she's not, she'll still forgive you, since she obviously likes you.

To be fair, I do. We mess around like that and we've got no problems with doing it to one another. We always have a laugh when we get "playful" (?) like that.

Also, I only said "luv" as "love" is too-strong of a word imo. She tells me she "luvs" me face to face, so whether it's "luv" or "love" is beyond me, but as I said.

Thanks for the help anywho. Will be speaking to her soon.
Reply 15
You play with her feet?