The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
I have a laundry basket :biggrin: don't forget lots of 50ps and some washing powder.
Reply 2
you could use perfume instead of washing your clothes...
Reply 3
I got a giant laundry bag. My mum bought it in a hardware type store, but I think IKEA do them as well. Some people just used big plastic bags (my boyfriend always had his big orange sainsburys bags for instance)
Reply 4
Laundry basket.
I had a laundry bag, but it broke after two uses, so I ended up using about six carrier bags, and, at once point, a bin bag... classy, I know.
i'd go for bag over basket, a bag wont take up half your room when your not using it.
i use a big NEXT carrier bag :dong:
Reply 8
laundry bin
I know all about laundry. I use a big blue laundry bag, amde out of soft nylon net material, (lots of tiny holes so it breathes). I carry it over to the machine, dump everything out, sort the laundry, whack it into the machine...bu I'm thinking of buying another laundry bag, so that I can sort at source as it were. Feel free to ask any other laundry questions...don't be shy.
Reply 10
My mummy found me a pink flowery laundry bag in homebase! Can't wait to use it :biggrin:
where do you iron your clothes?
I've got a wicker basket type thing for my laundry. It can be used to store clothes as well :smile:
where do you iron your clothes?

Personally, I do it in the kitchen. Or in my bedroom on my mini ironing borad.
how much does laundry cost and how often do you go??

OMG i am totally gonna miss my mum washing everyday!
I'll just have a bag or basket and I've got a mini iron lol :p:
Reply 16
where do you iron your clothes?

Reply 17
how much does laundry cost and how often do you go??

OMG i am totally gonna miss my mum washing everyday!

That really will depend on the uni, and how many clothes you have (or how many times you wear a top, then realise you absolutely must wear it tomorrow, and thus need to wash it straight away!)

Probably plan for a few quid every 2 weeks or so. Try leaving your dirty socks under your bed, and see how long it takes before the smell drives you crazy.

Well, quite.
Reply 19
To use the laundry in my accommodation this yr worked out annoyingly expensive cos the dryers were rubbish (and despite what everyone says, clothes just arent the same when you have to put them on an airer...). I was in UNITE accommodation - it was £1.60 for a wash and 20p per 6mins in the dryer, usually ended up using about £1.20 on the dryer, more if there were jeans/towels in there. Often did so many loads in one go that it would cost around £8 :frown: Then sometimes I took my washing home (I only live an hour away :biggrin:)