right, so im going out with this guy and it hasnt been long, a couple of months really. but the relationship is different to every other relationship ive ever had...this time something feels really really right. im only eighteen and have had a few past relationships, and things havent really felt like this before. i know the guy im with so well, we knew each other before going out, and i dont think theres much left for him to find out about me and vice versa. i really think i am in love with him already, or at least nearly and im so so scared that i'll end up getting hurt. hes away right now and im finding it hard, hes always on my mind and i just want to be with him! i know he loves me too, and this is what scares me also. i cant imagine life without him, the thought of being married to him and having his children is normal, infact im not sure il ever find anyone quite like him. But at the same time i feel too young for this...and im so scared that i'll give him my heart and it'll end up getting broken. ive never felt like this before.....whats happening to me!