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never felt like this...please dont hurt me

right, so im going out with this guy and it hasnt been long, a couple of months really. but the relationship is different to every other relationship ive ever had...this time something feels really really right. im only eighteen and have had a few past relationships, and things havent really felt like this before. i know the guy im with so well, we knew each other before going out, and i dont think theres much left for him to find out about me and vice versa. i really think i am in love with him already, or at least nearly and im so so scared that i'll end up getting hurt. hes away right now and im finding it hard, hes always on my mind and i just want to be with him! i know he loves me too, and this is what scares me also. i cant imagine life without him, the thought of being married to him and having his children is normal, infact im not sure il ever find anyone quite like him. But at the same time i feel too young for this...and im so scared that i'll give him my heart and it'll end up getting broken. ive never felt like this before.....whats happening to me!

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Reply 1
it sounds like you're falling in love!

it's frightening yes.

it's also fantastic!

you're right to be scared but there is only one thing to do in my opinion and that is to throw yourself headlong into it because love honestly doesn't come along that often in life and you should grab every chance you have at it.

Reply 2're in love/lust?

Don't worry about it, enjoy it! Don't look too far forward and don't worry about the future, just have fun and see what happens.

However, if you mention to him you want to get married and have his babies...I think he'll maybe run a mile.
Reply 3
right, so im going out with this guy and it hasnt been long, a couple of months really. but the relationship is different to every other relationship ive ever had...this time something feels really really right. im only eighteen and have had a few past relationships, and things havent really felt like this before. i know the guy im with so well, we knew each other before going out, and i dont think theres much left for him to find out about me and vice versa. i really think i am in love with him already, or at least nearly and im so so scared that i'll end up getting hurt. hes away right now and im finding it hard, hes always on my mind and i just want to be with him! i know he loves me too, and this is what scares me also. i cant imagine life without him, the thought of being married to him and having his children is normal, infact im not sure il ever find anyone quite like him. But at the same time i feel too young for this...and im so scared that i'll give him my heart and it'll end up getting broken. ive never felt like this before.....whats happening to me!

You've fallen in love! Yes it's scary, but it's the best feeling in the world!
Reply 4
right, so im going out with this guy and it hasnt been long, a couple of months really. but the relationship is different to every other relationship ive ever had...this time something feels really really right. im only eighteen and have had a few past relationships, and things havent really felt like this before. i know the guy im with so well, we knew each other before going out, and i dont think theres much left for him to find out about me and vice versa. i really think i am in love with him already, or at least nearly and im so so scared that i'll end up getting hurt. hes away right now and im finding it hard, hes always on my mind and i just want to be with him! i know he loves me too, and this is what scares me also. i cant imagine life without him, the thought of being married to him and having his children is normal, infact im not sure il ever find anyone quite like him. But at the same time i feel too young for this...and im so scared that i'll give him my heart and it'll end up getting broken. ive never felt like this before.....whats happening to me!

At the risk of being deemed repetitious.
Reply 5
no thats the scary thing Gem, he's the one that has said he wants to marry me someday and that was before we were it's kinda scary, with me feeling the same way and all that! totally crazy...
Reply 6
no thats the scary thing Gem, he's the one that has said he wants to marry me someday and that was before we were it's kinda scary, with me feeling the same way and all that! totally crazy...

If it's reciprocated, then that's great :biggrin: You're very lucky to find someone that special.

I'd still not rush into anything though, I mean you're only 18, you have ages to settle down and get married! That's not to say you can't be a couple and have fun and do normal coupley things together though :biggrin:
Reply 7
Dont worry, the feeling will fade in time
You will get hurt. From experience.
right, so im going out with this guy and it hasnt been long, a couple of months really. but the relationship is different to every other relationship ive ever had...this time something feels really really right. im only eighteen and have had a few past relationships, and things havent really felt like this before. i know the guy im with so well, we knew each other before going out, and i dont think theres much left for him to find out about me and vice versa. i really think i am in love with him already, or at least nearly and im so so scared that i'll end up getting hurt. hes away right now and im finding it hard, hes always on my mind and i just want to be with him! i know he loves me too, and this is what scares me also. i cant imagine life without him, the thought of being married to him and having his children is normal, infact im not sure il ever find anyone quite like him. But at the same time i feel too young for this...and im so scared that i'll give him my heart and it'll end up getting broken. ive never felt like this before.....whats happening to me!

wow i could have written an almost identical post this time last year.

we are still together btw so just go with the flow and see where it takes you.
I'd just take things slow in the relationship and be honest, sometimes you do know straight away that you've met the one.
Reply 11
wow exact same situation as me
ahaha that's love, but it might also be immature love, as in you're right about being too young. but it's a good thing, don't worry. just go with the flow for now, but also keep in mind that it might not work out the way you planned. having said that, don't get too paranoid about it either.
it love, enjoy it

but yes the chance is always there you could get your heart ripped out of your chest, that doesnt feel very nice at all
i am like that-but ive hit a snag-moving to my bf,came home from america cuz i missed him so much and it was only a week.i duno wot i shud do im contimplating givin uni a miss this year.reading this threat about sucesses it seems right!!
Reply 15
if everything's right now , just cruise along and enjoy the ride. the first stages of love is infatuation and lust. after a while you'll probobly be able to think more clearly. =)
Reply 16
Dont worry, the feeling will fade in time

I do love a cynic! Have to agree though. Wait 2-5 years.
I do love a cynic! Have to agree though. Wait 2-5 years.

:frown: :frown: :frown: i hate when people say this sort of thing..

Do relationships really get that bad afta that long?

Is there any couples here who have been with there bf//gf a long time and getting bord? Or starting to find attraction to other people?

because i never want that to happen 2 me!
Reply 18
Dont worry, the feeling will fade in time

OP, my bf and I have been together 2.75 years and I still feel that way, so the feeling DOESN'T have to fade BhArJ!
Reply 19

Or starting to find attraction to other people?

It's natural to look at other people. I do and so does my boyfriend, but we know our relationship together is better than any crappy one we could have with them :biggrin:

Plus, oggling is fun.