The Student Room Group

Dnt I have any feeling for him anymore?

Some of u guys I think have read a thread about a week ago or so.. I started the thread just to ask for some help to find about my bf which was really stupid..I'm thinking Im not gonna see him anymore though inside me some part is really waiting for him desperately..Im not writing to ask any help from u coz i think it is impossible and its a month already since the last time he e-mailed me...

The thing is I start to lose feeling for him, cant even remember how he looks...i dnt feel missing him anymore, instead i just feel like when I was single, nothing bothered me much.. sometimes I wonder if we broke up or not...I dnt have feeling for other guys now although they try to ask me out and say nice things to me when my bf is not around...I just dnt feel anything right now...

Then bcoz he was honest to me in everything, he told me all the stuffs he did which were quite nasty and in some ways i thought maybe it'd better for me without him, I might find someone better...he had several gfs b4, did get involved with them...for me he's the 1st bf so the thoughts about his exes really bother me...but then i think its really cruel of me to think about him like that, its hard to find guys who dnt try to pretend to be a nice guy but tell u who they really are...

Im just confused whether I've lost feeling for him or I dnt really love him?...

I dnt know wot to do now, this waiting is just so unbearable...

Any reply is appreciated.

P/S; I know my case is difficult but do reply me if u have any advice and I cant find anyone to ask about this
Reply 1
:hugs: Its really complicated when it comes to relationships and exs and knowing where you stand emotionally.The fact you don't feel anything is a good sign that you are moving on.And you need to stay on that track.Things such as this tend to solve itself over time,yep time is a healer.We've been there - stalked our exs,cried,hoped etc but nothing really changes whats happened.You are going to have to learn from this,take it in your stride and just make the most of things.
Try writing things down,like in a journal - every thought,fear,concern.It really helps.Ive have stuff Ive writen years ago,looking back I can see Ive been hurt before but Ive found someone better and have moved on.
As for his ex-girlfriends - he chose you over them, right? It might not be nice thinking about his exes but it's probably not nice for him either, and he gets on with it. Put another way, how would you like it if your future boyfriend feels uncomfortable around you because he's not the first and you've got an ex? :confused:

Think about it.
Reply 3
He came back home 2day, I caught him while he was online on MSN..
All he tried to say was "Im tired..."

I got pissed at him but tried to calm down by asking 'bout his trip...I think he didnt take any notice how i felt which really hurt me...

We just talked like nothing happened and then he went out with his friends at about midnite in his country..I know for sure he will go clubbing..he left me his mobile no and asked me to call him if i wanted to..

I think Im giving up, should anyone in this world teach him how to treat me, feel like im nothing to him, or am I too emotional?..

Just feel like my love has gone to waste...I start to hate him:frown: ...just really want to do smt that makes him feel like I've been through to make him I such an evil?:confused: