The Student Room Group

Warwick reputation internationally....

I was just wondering why is it so that warwick reputation is not yet at par with UCL or LSE? living in asian country, i always have to tell to people that Warwick listed in top 5 ranking in U.K. Some people even heard the name of warwick for the first time. I assume warwick is known within europe as leading university but internationally ...i cannot say much? I have planned to make people aware of this fact that warwick is among the top when i will get back to my country? i don't know how but i will? sometimes i get scared thinking that if i will come back and try to get job in my country then because of unawareness i may not be treated as students of LSE or UCL are treated here.

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Definitely because it is a fairly young university compared to the ones you mentioned with evrything that that implies i.e doesn't have Nobel Prizes yet etc. and basically the time facotr on its side. Just give it 50 years (maybe much less) and it will very probably be as prestigious as the others you've mentioned. Hopefully, you'll be alive when that time will come (don't smoke, avoid Mc Donalds) :biggrin:
Reply 2
It's definately catching up with UCL. LSE's different because it's specialist.
This is true, when i told afew of my friends where i am going, they had never heard of it and they are from england! I just told them to look at the rankings
To be honest Warwick isnt really a top 5 uni yet! Its probably in the 5th-10th category with Durham, York etc.
To be honest Warwick isnt really a top 5 uni yet! Its probably in the 5th-10th category with Durham, York etc.

Well it really depends on what subject you are looking at, for economics then it definately is.
To be honest Warwick isnt really a top 5 uni yet! Its probably in the 5th-10th category with Durham, York etc.

Oxford, Cambridge, LSE, Imperial and Warwick are the ONLY universities in England never to have gone out the top 10. I find this statement much more reliable than meer year to year rankings where you do sometimes see Warwick at 6-8th place. So I think it should be considered as being part of the top 5 (probably with UCL though). "Reputation" is most of the time, and probably all the time associated only to "Research". "Reputation" rarely comes with "teaching" (I have a number of arguments to support this, but it's a bit out of subect). So checking out the results of the RAE (Research Assesement Exercise) should be a strong indicator of a university's "reputation"...And Warwick ended up 5th in the UK, above UCL and behind Oxford Cambridge Imperial and LSE I think.
Reply 7
This is true, when i told afew of my friends where i am going, they had never heard of it and they are from england! I just told them to look at the rankings

yer i got that problem as well when i told them where am i gonna go! they went," oh thats nice, where is it?"
for economics and business its both ranked #2 only behind oxford for economics we beat schools such as LSE, UCL, York Oxford. and im very excited on going there this fall
Reply 9
I do agree as far as ranking is concerned, its better but considering the fact that its not yet become word of mouth in many asian countries. I have travelled alot, even in western countries such as USA, associated with IMF and world bank trainner but yet to see warwick people at the top. As far as Economics is concerned, Tell me frankly how many of warwick Phds or even masters able to join IMF, World Bank, Central Banks, even BoE has no researcher or employee from warwick. I myself is central banker, coming to warwick this year for masters because i was too late in applying to UCL, Imperial in course i want to join. Got chance in Oxford in MFE but fee factor made me stay at warwick, LSE, i made a Big blunder(its other story)....Anyways, point is i myself want to study in warwick given the choices i have, i myself want to create awareness but i believe i will find it difficult. Considering that i want to Phd from USA, in top universities, i am worried that i might not be able to get admission in top USA universities. Have u seen Masters student of Warwick getting Phd admission in Top US university....i have not. ....that's make me really worried........
Reply 10
Tell me frankly how many of warwick Phds or even masters able to join IMF, World Bank, Central Banks, even BoE has no researcher or employee from warwick.

This is a silly question - how many Warwick grads try for these positions? There's a lot more to employment than the university you attended and, frankly, you come across as such a miserable, negative sod that I wouldn't be surprised if you don't get a job at places like these.

Have u seen Masters student of Warwick getting Phd admission in Top US university....i have not. ....that's make me really worried........

Do you have a full list of the career paths of every person who's graduated from Warwick? No? Well it's no surprise that you've never come across one then, is it? If you're so unsure of your own ability that you think you'd struggle to get on a US Phd programme then maybe you should change your plans.
Reply 11
Dunno about Warwick students going to the states for masters, but I do have an acquintance who did her BA econ from Yale and headed to Warwick for a PhD. And she's from one the biggest business houses in india.
Reply 12
Don't get me wrong, i was trying to get information. I believe the prime reason of this student room is to share experience of others. In fact, i think people even discuss concerns, irrespective of whether they are important or not. It doesn't mean that argument leads to confirmation about the discussion. As stated by other fellow, people do come to warwick from U.S. as well. Similarly, may be somebody observe the vice versa. I was just a gentle query and i expected a gentle reply......

........Regarding the confidence, and your prediction about my career friend i already worked in IMF as a Researcher and also worked with World Bank as a consultant. And the US universities that i was talking about were not other than Stanford and likewise group.

..........The (silly) question was just raised to get some feedback from people who have information about warwick alumni.....anyways thanx for your feedback....
Reply 13
my great god!!! teach me how to get a job in world bank/IMF with english of demonstrated standard! thanks!
Reply 14
According to your argument, likelihood of getting job in IMF/World bank is more if you show verbosity, but that's partially true .As far as i know, IMF/World Bank is full of researchers with chineese origin with very ordinary english but high mental acumen. Quality research judged in the light of english grammer however number of other factors (such as analytical skills, quantitative skill) play more important role in getting good assessment.

.....Anyways, let me finish this discussion that is focused on me rather than on the argument that i am trying to raise. ....May be this may cool down you people ......warwick is best in the world.....even better than Harvard.....
Reply 15
Actually Warwick is pretty well-known in some Asian countries. I think it is one of the few universities that has its offices in many countries. Not only that, the International Office at Warwick has an officer responsible for students from each region. In fact, Warwick is a popular choice among students coming from countries like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and other Asian countries. Yes, it is true that it is quite a young university compared to Oxbridge, LSE, UCL, etc. I know that the Law School at Warwick was founded in 1969. By the way, for Law it is certainly one of the top 10.
Reply 16
IMF/World Bank is full of researchers with chineese origin with very ordinary english

it's not a matter of race; many englishmen have horrible grammar and spelling etc too. (i'm really sorry, but it's true) by the way, i'm of chinese origin too but don't feel the same way as you do. the world is chock full with chinese people with analytical and whatnot prowess, so employers have to turn to other criteria to differentiate them.

warwick is best in the world.....even better than Harvard.....

why always along university lines? undeniably, there are people of wide spectrums of abilities in each university. it's not a brave new world scenario where harvard takes in only the grade A humans/humanoids, while warwick takes in only grade B ones. reputation-wise, i believe you want your future employer to recruit smart (a pretty good indication of talent within the company); you want them to realise that you have been well-educated no matter what your university name or course title is, so convey your satisfaction and pride to them well.

the ideal is that people choose their university and course based on the education that they want, academic or otherwise. (yes, there is some form of non-academic education that many seem to neglect)
I know that for maths (at least) the major USA universities need a good score in GRE plus a very good recomendation from a well known professor in the field you are interested to study, and warwick has lots of profs which satisfy that criterion.
Reply 18
In fact, Warwick is a popular choice among students coming from countries like India,

warwick is a popular choice amongst indians coz...90% and more students study under a different education board...which is not recognized by imperial,lse,oxford,cam,ucl so...warwick is the next best choice after these...and for imperial,cam etc we have to give A-levels .....:p:
warwick is a popular choice amongst indians coz...90% and more students study under a different education board...which is not recognized by imperial,lse,oxford,cam,ucl so...warwick is the next best choice after these...and for imperial,cam etc we have to give A-levels .....:p:

Only two unis apparently beat Warwick for your course (you're doing maths right?): Cambridge and Oxford, so you shouldn't be too disappointed.:wink: