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Can I write my 10,000 word dissertation in 4 weeks?

Basically, I've had an absolutely rubbish start to 2014. I found out my Mum was having an affair, then my parents announced that they were separating and to top it all off, we found out my Nan had cancer. I've had a pretty hard time concentrating, particularly because I live at home so I can't escape it all and, somehow, I have managed to get to April with not a single word of my dissertation on paper. The hand in day is in 4 weeks.

To provide a bit of detail, my dissertation is analysing British newspapers representations of male/female co-offending - particularly sex offending against children - in relation to academic theories of offending and societal stereotypes. As well as looking at techniques of neutralisation by the media. I need to do a 2,500 word literature review, a 1000 methodology, 2x 2,500 word chapters and a 2,000 word discussion. I have done a bit of background reading and have selected all 30 of my articles, but because I'm coding all of the articles, I feel like the whole thing is impossible to do in such a short space of time :frown:

There isn't much my uni can do now either. I've missed the final deadline for tutors to look at any of our drafts and my friend, who was recently diagnosed with depression, didn't get any help or extensions for her work. So I think that's out of the question.

I'm just looking for people to tell me that it is possible and for words of advice from other students who left their dissertations until last minute :smile: If I manage to get 2:1s (60%) in my final two essays then I'd only need 40% in my dissertation to get a 2:1 overall. But looking at the marking criteria, even getting 40% seems impossible at the moment :/

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By the end of the first week finish the word literature review and the methodology, by the end of the second week finish the 2 chapters, and in the third week finish your 2000 word discussion. If people can write 3/4000 word essays in 2 days, you can definitely finish 11,000 in 4 weeks. In the final week edit and re-edit constantly. You'll be fine. Focus on one task at a time when you start, don't think about how much work you have left to do, just get excited. Be strict with yourself, early mornings, strict meal times, early bed, 1 day of rest a week. If you work hard then 4 weeks is more than enough time to complete your dissertation. :smile:
Reply 2
Original post by NishNashNosh94
There isn't much my uni can do now either. I've missed the final deadline for tutors to look at any of our drafts and my friend, who was recently diagnosed with depression, didn't get any help or extensions for her work. So I think that's out of the question.

She was diagnosed with a serious mental health condition and they made no allowances?
I hope I don't offend you by saying this, but that is seriously effed up :mad:
I don't think you'll be losing anything by asking. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, I suppose. At least they'll be aware of your situation. Life is inconvenient and unpredictable and your tutors should be well aware of this.
Regardless of whether they concede or not, I'd give it your best shot. You're 4 weeks away, on the home stretch now! You can get a decent attempt if you put the work in, I'm sure (although I'm no expert!) Don't put too much pressure on yourself though, sounds like it's been a tough year.
Good luck xxx

Thank you :smile: yeah I'm just going to give it my all and hope for the best. Well she was given extra funding, but nothing in terms of deadline extensions.
Only anecdotal evidence I'm afraid but my friend managed to pull off her history dissertation in 3 weeks and got 58%, so it is possible but you'll probably have to dedicate almost every waking hour to it.

I think you should at least try talking to your university though, you never know what they'll say and even if they give you an extra week it'll be something.
I think if you make a suitable schedule and stick with it then you may manage. Put in the hours and cut down on stuff like part time job for next four weeks. Stock up on coffee. Good luck.
I've done 5000 words in 1 day before and still got good marks.

Allocating 1 week for you to do the reading, that's still only 750 words per day you'll have to do. Piss easy.
Reply 6
Its possible. Ive done 2000 word essays in a day (including research) which I got 2:1 or 1st for. Have you done any research?

Posted from TSR Mobile
Reply 7
My deadline is the 11th but I only have tomorrow, Tuesday evening and Thursday to write 5K words - if I can do that, you can definitely do yours! Good luck!
I wrote 3000 word essays in a day before and got 2.1 so definitely possible.

Posted from TSR Mobile
Reply 9
Almost impossible without external help. Try getting allowance for against the med condition.
Reply 10
It's close to impossible, personally I started mine in December and I've had to redo the intro and discussion because of feedback from my supervisor. I do know some people who did it all in two weeks and still got 2.1 so you might be one of the lucky few

Posted from TSR Mobile
I had this arab friend who got his done in 2 weeks. It cost him a lot of money though lol
They should be able to give you an extension if you have serious family circumstances or a health problem. I had depression and I got extensions on deadlines. I wrote 12,000 words in less than 4 weeks from what I remember and I actually got a first, but I had done the vast bulk of my research and planning before then. I literally worked all day most days too.
Reply 13
Thanks for all the help everyone. I didn't start my dissertation for a further 2 weeks after starting this thread, however, I did spend the final 2 weeks before the deadline working my arse off and I received 75% in the end! Uni taught me that I definitely work best under a bit of pressure..

I can't believe it's nearly been a year since I posted this, but if anyone out there who is stressing about their dissertations, you can do it!
Original post by emilyyou
Thanks for all the help everyone. I didn't start my dissertation for a further 2 weeks after starting this thread, however, I did spend the final 2 weeks before the deadline working my arse off and I received 75% in the end! Uni taught me that I definitely work best under a bit of pressure..

I can't believe it's nearly been a year since I posted this, but if anyone out there who is stressing about their dissertations, you can do it!

Hey great to hear you did well! I just came across this post as I also have a dissertation due in 4 weeks and panicking I am out of time

any tips?
Reply 15
Original post by sarcasticme
Hey great to hear you did well! I just came across this post as I also have a dissertation due in 4 weeks and panicking I am out of time

any tips?

Just stay calm! I think it's important to bare in mind that people work at completely different speeds - just because somebody has been working on their dissertation for months, it doesn't automatically mean that it will be better than one which was completed in a matter of weeks.

Yes, you are going to have to pull off a few all-nighters', but it was the pressure of time which motivated me in the end!

Create a plan, and have a minimum word limit for each section, then write a list of points you want to talk about for each section. I found it easier to simplify the entire dissertation into bullet points first, rather than completing a section and not knowing what I was going to write next. Also, save any introductions, conclusions etc. until the very end - they're worth the least amount of marks, so don't waste your time on them.

Good luck! It's hard work but completing it in one month is more than do-able :smile:
Reply 16
Having read this post above comments I am confident if I put my head down I can nail it. So far I have done almost 8k words for dissertation but still need to go back and change mostly research section around and make changes to other sections. I've only got over two weeks plus I need to do 10k perhaps

I have to also do some practical work which means set up a website.

ANy tips?

What are they actually looking for in terms of a 2:1? What should a report be like?
(edited 9 years ago)
Oh for sure!!! The most I happened to write in a day was 4.5 pages on some chemical reactions that I didn't know anything about. And which I still know nothing about :lol:

More than doable!!!!! I advise you to spend as much time as you need on reading the content and figuring out the organisation and presentation of the content. Writing itself after that cones naturally and doesn't physically take long to do.

Good luck!
Okay so obviously that's a lot of work.

Here my advise:

1. Contact your personal advisor and explain the situation.
2. Go and see your doctor, explain the situation to them and they'll probably give you a medical certificate for stress.
3. Speak to your parents an explain that they're impacting on your work and thy can't, under any circumstances, do that again.
5. Draw up a plan which will result in finishing the dissertation by the deadline and stick to it rigorously.
4. Break the dissertation down into 4 sections and work on one section per week.
5. Start working right now. For the next month you can't have any life. You can do this but you need to disable your social media for the time being, limit contact with outside sources unless necessary and live and breathe this dissertation.
6. No procrastination until the days assigned work is done.
7. Allow yourself a treat at the end of the day to week you going. Eg. A TV program or a game
8. Get to sleep by 10:30 every night and wake up 7am every morning.

Good luck!

Posted from TSR Mobile
(edited 9 years ago)
Original post by emilyyou
Basically, I've had an absolutely rubbish start to 2014. I found out my Mum was having an affair, then my parents announced that they were separating and to top it all off, we found out my Nan had cancer. I've had a pretty hard time concentrating, particularly because I live at home so I can't escape it all and, somehow, I have managed to get to April with not a single word of my dissertation on paper. The hand in day is in 4 weeks.

To provide a bit of detail, my dissertation is analysing British newspapers representations of male/female co-offending - particularly sex offending against children - in relation to academic theories of offending and societal stereotypes. As well as looking at techniques of neutralisation by the media. I need to do a 2,500 word literature review, a 1000 methodology, 2x 2,500 word chapters and a 2,000 word discussion. I have done a bit of background reading and have selected all 30 of my articles, but because I'm coding all of the articles, I feel like the whole thing is impossible to do in such a short space of time :frown:

There isn't much my uni can do now either. I've missed the final deadline for tutors to look at any of our drafts and my friend, who was recently diagnosed with depression, didn't get any help or extensions for her work. So I think that's out of the question.

I'm just looking for people to tell me that it is possible and for words of advice from other students who left their dissertations until last minute :smile: If I manage to get 2:1s (60%) in my final two essays then I'd only need 40% in my dissertation to get a 2:1 overall. But looking at the marking criteria, even getting 40% seems impossible at the moment :/

It is possible, but you might need to take a few short cuts, ie cheat. Maybe make results up, things like that. Passing it should be ok as long as you just follow the format and don't conclude with anything too out of the common