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Ive never dated a guy cuz i dont want to be labeled as someones girlfriend. I feel like im being held down or something and couldnt do everything id want to do. I dont want to be like belonging to someone. eventually duh i will when the right guy comes along. but all my friends say to date around a bit for now, but i cant without feeling that im putting myself down in some way. like i said, id feel like someones possesion if id be labeled like that. so i usually just end up messing around with guys. which pisses them off. and then i get called a slut of something. but i have my reason....
anyone else feel like this too? or am i just wierd?
Reply 1
Just suit yourself. Do what you want and ur not weird.
just because your going out with someone doesnt mean they own you.

in most strong relationships you will find that althought the woman seems less dominant she will be the one quietly pulling the strings and any important decisions will be totally up to her.
well i kinda know what i want...but it changes depending on what guy it is.
luckily im patient.
you're not weird. i'm kinda going out with a guy at the moment.. we have been for 9-10 months or so. but we're not labelled as boyfriend and girlfriend at all and we're quite independent but both love eachother very much.