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Reply 1
If you're not doing anything provocative...then I don't think there's much you can do against negative behaviour.

Apart from doing your best to ignore it, and if an incident does happen...claim responsibility for the misunderstanding like any decent person would do...regardless if you did not actually initiate the problem.

Hope this helped.
Reply 2
Arent you the person who just said every white person was racist?
what do they say?
Reply 4
Are you sure they're being racist? I know you get the odd person who is racist, but 'so many' are? Are you sure they're not just being mean to you, and you think it's being racist as you're not white? That might be the case.

If it's not then it's disgusting and shouldn't be allowed. Who are doing this? If you're at school tell a teacher, if they're yelling stuff in the street, ignore them and they'll see it's not getting to you and give up, if its getting physical then go to the police.
Reply 5
What kind of behaviour did they show that made you believe they were racist in the first place?
Are you sure they're being racist? I know you get the odd person who is racist, but 'so many' are? Are you sure they're not just being mean to you, and you think it's being racist as you're not white? That might be the case.

If it's not then it's disgusting and shouldn't be allowed. Who are doing this? If you're at school tell a teacher, if they're yelling stuff in the street, ignore them and they'll see it's not getting to you and give up, if its getting physical then go to the police.

nice one, the problem is that nowadays the race card gets played far too quickly and far too often. Are they attacking you purely on the colour of your skin? Or is it something else?
If they are then your better than them, racists are small minded idiots, hold your head high and walk past them, knowing that whilst they may make racist comments you are a superior person for not stooping to that level and hating all whites
Arent you the person who just said every white person was racist?

She said "so many", not "every".
Reply 8
Are they attacking you purely on the colour of your skin? Or is it something else?

Its so true!
- The was a gay bloke in our block in halls last year.

He was a stuck up arogant ****, who truly beleaved he was better than us because hes dad was rich and "infuential" and he had a £600 phone.
- And used to tell us this reguarly even when not drunk!

Nobody liked him. Not becuase he was gay, but becase he wasnt a nice person. Simple as.
- I really didnt have a probelm with him geting a kick out of taking cock up the arse. However, he simply wasnt a nice person!

Also, while Im on this topic, people dont make a big deal out of a black person callin a white person 'white boy', but the other way round and there is uproar. I personally think that the way we view racism in this country is retarded.

I know what you mean, but it just seems nastier to pick on a minority than for the minority to pick on the majority. Does that make sense? :frown:
its unbelievable, and i dont know what to do but just cry. How shall i tacke it?

Why dont you retaliate by being racist back:confused:
The Basilisk
She said "so many", not "every".

No - a previous thread, which got deleted. For racism. :biggrin:

OP: no offence (at least, no undue offence), but because of that previous thread, I refuse to offer my advice. You're a hypocrite. Moreover, you're a racist yourself. And I don't like people who are racist against me (being white myself), and therefore I shall not associate myself with them. :smile:

Bye bye.
Reply 12
its unbelievable, and i dont know what to do but just cry. How shall i tacke it?

Well... people have been racist to me in the past. The best thing to do, I find, is to tackle them about it. An articulate reprimand is better for you and for them, than going home and crying.

To be honest, I think that there is still a level of racism in the UK. Even 'jokey' racism is not acceptable. I don't want people to be able to make me feel like crap and call it a joke. It's not a joke, it's someone's life that you're screwing with.

I have been in the UK since 1996 and I remember every single racist comment made to me, vividly. Every time it happened it wasn't provoked and it was blatantly racist. It's all very well saying, 'maybe it was for another reason' but when a man called you a n**ger on the bus then really, he's making it quite clear isn't he.

The way I see it... I don't stereotype other races, I am not prejudiced against other races and I would never, ever make a comment against another race. All I want is the same level of behaviour back.
No - a previous thread, which got deleted. For racism. :biggrin:

OP: no offence (at least, no undue offence), but because of that previous thread, I refuse to offer my advice. You're a hypocrite. Moreover, you're a racist yourself. And I don't like people who are racist against me (being white myself), and therefore I shall not associate myself with them. :smile:

Bye bye.

Hey, she probably feels that way because of them picking on her - if that's the type of white people she has come across, then you can't totally blame her.
Reply 14
Why dont you retaliate by being racist back:confused:

Why dont you retaliate by being racist back:confused:

Because that's worse and the blame may be put on her.
forget it man.

its not a problem unless they physically hurt you
Hello, everyone.
At my school I called a girl "white scum" by accident. It just sort of slipped out - I was thinking of the worst possible thing to say in that situation and I actually said it - accidentally.
I'm not racist at all - I love all races, but this rumor started and I felt that that gave the white people a chance to be racist against me... I heard a girl say "if it was the other way round, we'd be suspended!"
Reply 18
How about tackling them? I mean, literally, just rugby tackle them, that should work :wink:

Or better yet tell us what people have been actually saying....
Reply 19
forget it man.

its not a problem unless they physically hurt you

Actually you're wrong. It is a problem.

Sorry, but it is. It's not ok to abuse people that way. It is antisocial, small-minded and prejudiced. And it does actually hurt people.