My uncle who I was close to passed away 3 days back out of the blue. It was a major shock to me and my family. Originally on the news I didnt know how to react. First there was shock then tears and then calmness. I kept it in for 2 days and then on the day of the funeral (yesterday) I got to see hes face and it just really got to me. After the burrial, hes son who I am really close to was really crying and when I embraced him I was crying myself allot.
After that I controlled myself again and went to meet a friend to keep my mind of it. On the way back my mother was telling me exactly what happened and how hes left hes 4 children behind (one being handicapped) and it just really really got to me. I couldnt control myself and for a good 10mins I was broken, crying and shaking.
At night I couldnt sleep propperly. Through today I was generally ok but it has really got to me. I cant relaly concentrate on anything propperly. I originally was going to start revision for my resits this monday but because of the news I have been unable to and right now I am not in the mood to start until monday now. One of my exams are on next friday and I just dont know if few days revision will be enough for a pass.
I also cancelled an interview I had today as I just cant structure everything right now.
I really need to concentrate for these exams as they have to be passed to get into next year, what should I do to get out of this phase.
My close friends have noticed I am not the same but I keep telling them im fine so hopefully I naturally become fine but it aint working at the moment.