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unibrow or monobrow

im a male and i have a unibrow usually i would be plucking this wth tweezers but i have now left it grow for 4 weeks and its getting quite obvious lol. ive started to think about goin sumwhere to get it waxed along wth getting my eyebrows thinned out aswell. but....... im nervous to go sumwhere to get this done as i dnt know if any other males ever get this done lol. i cant keep plucking it as it grows back thicker and girls have told me only way is getting it waxed.
what u all think
Reply 1
ring up some salons and ask if they offer this service, contrary to what you have been told, plucked hairs don't grown back thicker - you can't change a genetic trait through plucking :rolleyes:. You can still pluck and it will look less obv.
Reply 2
ring up some salons and ask if they offer this service, contrary to what you have been told, plucked hairs don't grown back thicker - you can't change a genetic trait through plucking :rolleyes:. You can still pluck and it will look less obv.

i feel like a fool doin it myself in a mirror lol. my mate shaves his and it deff grows back stronger and thicker
Reply 3
my mate shaves his and it deff grows back stronger and thicker
No, boy. It LOOKS and FEELS thicker. :biggrin: Stop being a dill and just pluck them out. You can complain when you have to have your bikini line done like us goils.
My eyebrows were absurd, went to a small salon type place a half year ago. Wasn't really worth it.

Best just get plucking yourself.
Reply 5
My eyebrows were absurd, went to a small salon type place a half year ago. Wasn't really worth it.

Best just get plucking yourself.

u a boy aswell? did u feel like a fool goin 2 a salon to get it done or not. thats wat im worried about lol
Reply 6
Plucking won't make them grow back thicker. Neither will shaving, it'll just make them feel thicker.

Plucking does the same thing as waxing - pulls the hair out. Think about it.
Reply 7
I wax mine. Just get some Veet for men, and apply it. It works wonders!
What's the difference between plucking and waxing? You're still pulling out the hairs, you'll get the same result.
Reply 9
This could be both helpful and a hinderence to the monobrow cause...
This could be both helpful and a hinderence to the monobrow cause...

LOL, 'Is she single? Her eyebrow sure is.' :toofunny:

Seriously dude, just pluck :smile:
Reply 11
Wear it like a man, your badge of honor.
Reply 12
"Celebrate the unity of your eyebrows"
Reply 13
rofl, i can't believe guys actually pluck their eyebrows.
Just Shave it off everytime you shave properly. Just bring it into the routine of normal shaving!
Jesus people think goddamit!
u a boy aswell? did u feel like a fool goin 2 a salon to get it done or not. thats wat im worried about lol

Yes, I'm a guy, and yes, it was horrible. I wouldn't recommend it.

I know it's amusing to imagine guys plucking their eyebrows, but you've got to understand that mine were giant (never seen others that compared to mine, think ) and made me incredibly unattractive. They're damn near half the size now and it's better for all concerned.
Reply 16
If you want a long term solution you could have laser hair removal... but to be honest its just cheaper to pluck it out. Salons will wax it for you which will last a couple of weeks or more if you want an in between fix.
Reply 17
whatever you do just don't get them shaped... plucking out the hairs in the middle or stray hairs is fine but i've recently seen a copule of guys with obviously salon shaped eyebrows... NOT a good look!

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