The Student Room Group



I'm just wondering where I can get the pill (other than my doctor)? Are the side effects bad? I've heard horror stories! Can it be taken with anti-depressants? And would you recommend any other form of birth control over the pill?

i think if you took the pill with your anti depressants the side effects would be much worse
Reply 2
Best bet is to see your doctor. There will always be side effects, with any sort of drug, to differing levels - if one doesn't work, there are different brands you can try.

If you're on Anti-Ds, your best bet would be to speak to your doctor. They'll know which ones can be taken.

In terms of contraception, it depends what you're wanting it for. If you're in a steady relationship, the pill is better. However, if its just the odd night, you're probably better with a selection of condoms.
Reply 3

I'm just wondering where I can get the pill (other than my doctor)? Are the side effects bad? I've heard horror stories! Can it be taken with anti-depressants? And would you recommend any other form of birth control over the pill?


There ARE horror stories, but for every horror story there are numerous girls who are perfectly fine with the pill (and not pregnant!) I haven't had any particularly bad side effects.

I'm not sure about combining with antidepressants, I expect you can combine some but I don't know which ones. Your doctor will be able to tell you. If you don't want to see your doctor, either ask to see a different one at the same practice, or go to a Family Planning Clinic, though I don't know if they'll be as well informed medically. Both will be able to tell you about other hormonal contraception e.g. implant, injection, patch.
Minor side effects being small weight gain, moodswings, stomach pains, sore breasts, but these are all mild and if you even experience them at all, should be gone within a few months of taking the Pill. Pretty reliable if taken correctly, not sure u can take it with Anti depressants, you'll have to check with the doctor. You need a prescription, so yes, the doctor is the place to get it, or maybe Family Planning Clinics, altho i'm not certain. You can also have the injection which is like the pill but only need it every 3 months, only problem with that is any side effects are stuck within your body for like 3 months. But i was on it and it was fine.
Reply 5
there are several differnt kinds of the pill, and each one has differnt side effects. youre best going to your GP and they usualy talk thru with you which pill will be best for u - depending on the medication you are currenlty on and the side efects
Reply 6
i initially started taking the pill because i used to have very, very bad period pains.. after a while, they went away.. huzzah!
i haven't had any major side effects that i have noticed.. i did go a little moody once or twice, but that may have just been down to the fact that my period was coming. and if anything, i have lost weight :smile:
uhm, also, i'm not preggers.. lol!
Reply 7
If you are on anti-depressants, you will definitely need to see a doctor. It is NOT a good combination, so it would be smart to talk to a professional about it. Plus, you should not get the pill from anyone other than a doctor.

I have no side-effects at all, but it depends on YOU and the pill you get.
If you are on anti-depressants, you will definitely need to see a doctor. It is NOT a good combination.

All antidepressants? (I'm asking because I'm interested btw).

As far as I know (well from what I can remember from what my BNF told me) oestrogens antagonise the effects of tricyclic antidepressants and possibly increase the side effects. I don't think that's marked as a serious interaction though. The only serious interaction I was aware of with the pill (combined or POP) and antidepressants was with St Johns Wart and that's because it reduces the contraceptive effect of both oestrogens and progesterones.

I've actually seen people's prescriptions for both the pill and an SSRI.
Reply 9
All antidepressants? (I'm asking because I'm interested btw).

As far as I know (well from what I can remember from what my BNF told me) oestrogens antagonise the effects of tricyclic antidepressants and possibly increase the side effects. I don't think that's marked as a serious interaction though. The only serious interaction I was aware of with the pill (combined or POP) and antidepressants was with St Johns Wart and that's because it reduces the contraceptive effect of both oestrogens and progesterones.

I've actually seen people's prescriptions for both the pill and an SSRI.

No, I'm sure not ALL. But as many different anti-depressants as there are, multiply that by 7643786 and you have the amount of different bc pills around. I guess you see where I'm going.
Any combination should be carefully monitored by a gynecologist, then you are normally fine.
Let's put it this way, my pill says: no smoking and if you are over x kg overweight, not recommended, etc.
I have not had one problem with mine, I don't smoke and try to be healthy.
The smoking and weight thing is because they are risk factors for developing a DVT, as is taking the pill ... obviously it wouldn't be a good idea, if you already smoked and were overweight, to put yourself at more risk by taking the pill.

Like I said the only serious interaction listed in the BNF (and it's usually pretty good as a starting point for these things) between antidepressants and oestrogens and progesterones is with St Johns Wart. The interaction with tricyclic antidepressants would have to be monitored to see if there was a decreased antidepressant effect or increased side effects. I'd imagine it'd be different for each woman on how bad it could get.