The Student Room Group

Advice - should he have an operation?

My cousin came to ask my family for advice yesterday and whether or not he should have an operation on his legs (he and my dad are very close and he wanted his input). I'm wondering if anyone on here can give any advice.

Basically his legs have grown so that his feet are slightly turned out. You cant notice it when hes sitting down and stuff but when he walks its quite noticeable. He said it wasnt a problem when he was younger but now its starting to hurt when he walks for a long time and he cant play sport easily etc. My dad thinks its worth going to the doctor and asking about an operation to straighten the muscles, but my cousin's a bit worried as it'll probably mean he has to wear a painful brace on his legs. Hes only just 15 too so hes worried it'll stunt his growth. His parents are a bit worried about letting him go ahead with it too.
What does everyone think? Is it worth doing an operation like that at his age? I'm think he should at least ask about it, especially as it may get worse when hes older.
Reply 1
I think he's jumping the gun here a bit. Goto the doctors and get all the information first. It could be that some sort of physio could play a large role in helping him run etc. as well?

But yeah, get the facts first, then think about the options he's given.
Reply 2
I think as he's getting some pain he should certainly get advice from the doctor. You all seem to have decided an operation and/or braces will be the answer but you won't know until you've taken medical advice. Don't have to act on it if you don't want but at least be fully informed.
His feet are bent, he can't walk any distance without it hurting, and he's only 15, and wants to know if it's worth having an operation? I think he's just scared, personally. I don't blame him, a lot of people would be, especially at that age... but it sounds to me like he needs that operation. As for painful braces, well, it'll be more painful in 5 years' time when he can't walk at all (not to mention people skitting at him through school if it gets worse, which they will do, but that's a minor point); and as for growth stunting, well, I'd rather be short but walk properly than tall and crippled in 20 years. It might not need an operation, but he should definitely see someone.

Doesn't growth happen at the knees too, anyway? As well as the upper leg? They can't put the whole thing in a brace...
Reply 4
I think he was taken to the doctor by his parents when he was really young and they first noticed and they offered physio but his dad refused it for some reason.
Maybe he should look into that again, good idea
Reply 5
I think he was taken to the doctor by his parents when he was really young and they first noticed and they offered physio but his dad refused it for some reason.
Maybe he should look into that again, good idea

Physio may or may not be an option, it only popped into my head and put it down as a potential part of any treatmentbecause it seems a lot less scary than an operation! My advice would be not to goto the doctors with any pre-conceived ideas about what the best treatment would be. Take him to the GP, he/she will have a look and most likely refer him to a specialist and take it from there.