The Student Room Group

Getting rid of blackheads

I'm 18 and for the past four or so years I've had really bad blackheads on my chin, nose, and some on my cheeks and forehead. I've tried various lotions and potions, but nothing seems to have worked. I've also tried running hot water into a sink and holding my face over it, but that doesn't work either. I've heard popping them is a no-no, so I'm stuck, and they're making me really self-conscious.

What has worked for you? Any products you can recommend? I know eating well/drinking lots of water is a good idea, but any more immediate solutions? Thanks!
I had the same problem. Nothing would get rid of them and I think they were starting to get noticeable. These products made them go away entirely but you really have to continue using them or they come back :frown:
(You have to apply it for more like 10 - 15 minutes instead of the 1 minute on the instructions)


The Joey product is probably enough if you are a bit tight on money. Use it with a good face wash.
Reply 2
I use Tea Tree Nose Strips from Superdrug whihc you put on your wet nose and leave for 10 minutes. Then you pull it off, loads of gunk and blackheads etc come out with it to, it is actually quite disgusting to know that much is actually in your nose! But anyway, i think they are quite effective. I would recommend trying to get them in a sale or qhatever because there is on 5 in a pack for £3.50. Also, dont use them anywhere else on your face and only use a maximum of once every 3 days.

P.S. - You can always use other brands, but this is the only one i have used :smile:

Hope it helps :biggrin:
Reply 3
Thank you both! :smile:
I use the biore extra strength nose strips, they're really good, a bit more expensive but really do the job and you can feel the difference on your nose!
Nose strips don't work for me.

Go for a facial, I don't think it would be more than 10 or 15 pounds, then use all the anti-blackheads lotions regularly and it will take ages for them to reappear. Honestly, worth every penny! Save for a bit and give yourself some confidence :smile:
Squeeze them out. Honestly it's the best way. When you go for a facial that's what they do - pop them then rub ointments into your face to sooth. I get them on my nose and forehead and have to have a 2 minute squeezing session every morning lol. Does the job tho!

The only other product i use is Clean and Clear Daily Blackhead Scrub - fantastic at keeping blackheads to a minimum. But honestly squeezing them is the best way - get all the dirt out of your face. I used to have loads but then my girlfriend attacked me and squeezed most of them out lol and now ive got reli clear skin.

Hope that helped!
Reply 7
Don't squeeze them, especially if they're'll make them all red and probably turn them into spots!

Also, be careful with those strips...they have a habit of pulling my skin off with them too, which is why I don't use them anymore despite them being good at removing nasty stuff!
I remember when i was a fair bit younger my dad would take them out for me with well it was like this metal thing with a hole in it and he would squeeze it against it and it really hurt and then it comes out, it doesnt cause a spot or anything, black heads are not the same as spots.
Reply 9
Don't squeeze them, especially if they're'll make them all red and probably turn them into spots!

Happened to me the other day, i got bored & sick of seeing it!

Do not squeeze em!

Follow the advice to using strips, or lotions. strips might make things worse if you have sensitive skin though.
What I normally do is steam my face like mentioned in you post OP. Even though some people say not to do I then squeeze out any blackheads that seem 'ready'. This is because the steam has loosened up the pores. The reason it can be bad to squeeze blackheads is because sometimes they can be squeezed in the opposite direction, so further in to your skin, and cause infection. This has rarely happened to me though when squeezing after steaming. I then use Clean and Clear Blackhead removal lotion.

I guess using a faceial scrub daily over a long period of time will help. Some people assume they will have a blackhead free face after using it once. Also making sure you wash your face properly in general will help to stop build up of dirt.
Reply 11
dont use facial scrub. you might make things worse.

i also use the biore men's nose strip thing, although sometimes i find it hard to get the whole piece stuck firmly.

Also use acne wash. i use neutrogena acne wash and acneaid as well.