The Student Room Group

Oxford applications - gathered fields

I'm planning on applying to Oxford (Hertford, Jesus or Balliol) for an MLitt in Socio-Legal Studies. The gathered field (3) for Socio-Legal studies is in January, which as far as I understood, means that this is when the applications are due. Can someone tell me when they start accepting/considering applications for gathered field 3? Should I apply as soon as possible? Will early submission help my chances at all or do they consider all applications at the same time? I tried figuring it out on the site, but it didn't tell me much. Thanks!
Reply 1
From my limited experience, applying as early as possible can be an advantage, at least for my department.

If during the first gathered field the course tutor feels that you deserve an offer right away, then congrats. Otherwise you'll be re-consider in the next gather field, and so on. Worst scenario you get a rejection right away, or later.

Gd luck by the way =)
If you download or write away for all the application materials, it will have a table in it of in which gathered field each course accepts applications. Mostly it will say something like 1,2,3, or 2,3 or maybe in your case only 3. When Admissions receive your application,they hold it over to the first/next applicable deadline. So, if Socio-legal only accepts applications in GF3 then they'll hold it over until the January deadline. They then send all the applications received to the departement in one pack.

In other words, no applying early won't help you if only 1 field is applicable, just apply in time!

(P.S. Apply for Hertford! It has some of the best Graduate accomodation in Oxford and its one of the cheaper rents.)
Reply 3
Thanks, that was really helpful. At least I don't have to panic about being the first to submit an application. And yes, Hertford is my first choice! :-)