The Student Room Group

Painful back/ bad posture?

I was wondering if anyone can help me because I have a painful back and I think my back is very weak. Are there any exercises you can recommend to strengthen it? If I walk around for a while, my back starts to hurt and my lower spine especially aches a lot. If anyone can give me links/ helpful info or medicine names, I would be grateful. I think it's also related to posture, so if anyone can help me on that too, it woul dbe great.
Help please. Thank you
Reply 1
You know those gym balls? Replace your chair with one of those and as soon as you on one of them, your back will straighten automatically.

Trust me.
yeah dude I had this... the best thing to do is go to your gp and he will refer you to an nhs physiotherapist and they can sort it out. Whatever you do dont leave it cos it might curve and you will need an operation which is not attractive.
Reply 3
Thanks for your helpful replies, I'm a girl btw. What does the physiotherapist do? I'm a bit apprehensive about that, but if it gets really bad I'll probably ask. I just need something that I can do to help my back without having to see a doctor. Where can I get one of these gym balls? Are they expensive?
Any more suggestions?
Reply 4
For lower back pain it's very soothing to lie on your back on the bed/floor and hug your knees to your chest. Lower one knee at a time very gently and repeat very slowly bringing one knee up at a time.
For a quick-fix: give your bed a rest & sleep face-up on the floor tonight with just a pillow supporting your head and a duvet if you're cold. :smile:
Reply 6
For lower back pain it's very soothing to lie on your back on the bed/floor and hug your knees to your chest. Lower one knee at a time very gently and repeat very slowly bringing one knee up at a time.

Thanks for that, I might try it sometime. I think I'm getting a gym ball :redface:
Reply 7
and that other option sounds painful, but I'll try it anyway :biggrin:
Reply 8
go to a physiotherapist. they can relieve your back pain and teach you correct postures etc.
also try taking up yoga or pilates for stretching/building up ur core strength. it helps.
Reply 9
I get painful lower back pains when i'm on my periods? An i've found doing pilates has helped, there is loads of really good books on it showing you lots of exercises.

Reply 10
I was wondering if anyone can help me because I have a painful back and I think my back is very weak. Are there any exercises you can recommend to strengthen it? If I walk around for a while, my back starts to hurt and my lower spine especially aches a lot. If anyone can give me links/ helpful info or medicine names, I would be grateful. I think it's also related to posture, so if anyone can help me on that too, it woul dbe great.
Help please. Thank you

my mum has had back pains, and they come back every now and then.
she had to have an op to remove one of the discs in her spine, which does cause the pains to come back a lot.

often the pains occur because you're sat down too much, or not active enough, if your back lets you then try and walk gently..

back exercises; if you lie on your back with your feet up on a chair, that helps, lie on your front with your arms out in front of you, and lift them up.. i can't think of others, i'd have to ask her.

hope the pain stops soon though
Thanks for your helpful replies, I'm a girl btw. What does the physiotherapist do? I'm a bit apprehensive about that, but if it gets really bad I'll probably ask. I just need something that I can do to help my back without having to see a doctor. Where can I get one of these gym balls? Are they expensive?
Any more suggestions?

A friend of mine had the very same problem. She went first to an osteopath, which didn't help at all. Then she went to a physio for repeated sessions over several weeks. Didn't help at all.

People have suggested chiropractors but a lot of people don't really believe in what they do. I know some people who feel they get a lot out of having the sh*t beat out of them by chiropractors, and some people who don't.

I'd suggest that the best thing you can do is just generally minimise the stress you put on your back. Sit up without slumping, try also to not sit for prolonged periods of time (cushions would be good), and also don't sleep on your front.
Reply 12
I would strongly suggest getting some Alexander Technique lessons. It sounds like the root of the problem is your bad posture -- unless you fix your posture then nothing is going to improve.
Reply 13
I would strongly suggest getting some Alexander Technique lessons. It sounds like the route of the problem is your bad posture -- unless you fix your posture then nothing is going to improve.

I've heard of this before.. but what is it?

Reply 14
If you were a sub, I'd say go and read all my threads about my problems-I'm currently having intense physio and I have to do exercises 3 times a day because I'm injured my shoulder. I'm not sure if you are a sub or not though...

You might think shoulder has nothing to do with backs but it's all part. My problems are all to do with posture too. :frown: Rather than me writing everything here, if you want the full story I'll PM you, just shout. :smile: :hugs:
Reply 15
I've heard of this before.. but what is it?


I learned a lot from googling AT and reading. I'm going to start having lessons in September/October time when I'm allowed to play my instruments again.
Reply 16
I've heard of this before.. but what is it?


It basically teaches what good posture actually is, and then how to use it in your everyday life. It sounds very simple, and it is, but your posture is ultimately what you need to fix if you don't want the problem to reoccur.

Of course, I'm not an expert, but I would definitely recommend looking into it. Other types of treatment are likely to be superficial and short-term.
Reply 17
Thanks for your helpful replies :smile: I will look into the Alexander Technique and try all that you've suggested.