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maggot in salad

last night, when having dinner at home with my girlfriend, we found a (dead) maggot in our salad. it was a ready made (tuna nicsoise) one from waitrose. is it worth doing anything about it? it's not really a big deal, but i do feel like they should do something. the most i can see happening though is them saying sorry and giving me £2.99 refund or something.. would you do something about it though?

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:puke: That's disgusting.

Yes you should complain. Even if it is only £2.99
no don't comlain to the store. in a case like this its a serious breach of health and safety. if i were you i would write to head office stating that the product made you sick afterwards then say that if they don't do anything you'll put in a formal complaint to your local trading standards (??) then they'll pay out more than the actual price.
Reply 3
it didn't make me sick though and i wouldn't feel right in lying to get money out of a situation. it just put us off the rest of our meal.
guess so. i would still tell them though because presumably their production methods arn't right and if it happens again someone else may really get ill from it. just for the record though i wouldn't lie myself- honest.
Reply 5
Reply 6
no don't comlain to the store. in a case like this its a serious breach of health and safety. if i were you i would write to head office stating that the product made you sick afterwards then say that if they don't do anything you'll put in a formal complaint to your local trading standards (??) then they'll pay out more than the actual price.

do this ^. write a proper complaint letter, mentioning health and safety and possibly letting people know that this happened (scare on a mass scale), if you're comfortable with going OTT.
last night, when having dinner at home with my girlfriend, we found a (dead) maggot in our salad. it was a ready made (tuna nicsoise) one from waitrose. is it worth doing anything about it? it's not really a big deal, but i do feel like they should do something. the most i can see happening though is them saying sorry and giving me £2.99 refund or something.. would you do something about it though?
Normally I would say it's not worth doing anything about it because it's only 3 quid, but a maggot in the salad could have been potentially dangerous. And think how many other salads could have been contaminated. Personally, I'd complain.
do this ^. write a proper complaint letter, mentioning health and safety and possibly letting people know that this happened (scare on a mass scale), if you're comfortable with going OTT.

I agree totally.....its disgustng...someone could've gotten really sick...but dont go over the top just make sure they get your point and know that you want something done about it.
Reply 9
i've given head office a call and they'd like me to take the 'foreign body' into the store so that it can be sent off to a lab for examination... and i will be refunded.
Christ, it's a bloody plant, what do you expect? It's like crying when you find blood in a steak.
Christ, it's a bloody plant, what do you expect? It's like crying when you find blood in a steak.
Even so, you can't expect potentially dangerous insect larvae in a Nicoise salad. The fact that it's there shows that the leaves or the fish weren't handled properly in that a parasite managed to lay eggs on it.
Even so, you can't expect potentially dangerous insect larvae in a Nicoise salad. The fact that it's there shows that the leaves or the fish weren't handled properly in that a parasite managed to lay eggs on it.

True, but hey, at least it's fresh and organic.
Reply 13
it's different when it's loose items in store like cauliflowers.. this was a prepackaged thing and should have been properly cleaned. also, the salad contained non-plant items like tuna and boiled egg. blood in steak doesn't really pose a threat if consumed, but a maggot could.

anyway, they gave me a double refund rounded up to £8 and have sent it off to a lab for analysis, to find out a) what it is and b) if it poses any risk to health.
Reply 14
I found one in my bag of peapods :eek: Actually it was worse, I found half a maggot :puke:

I just rang up the store and told them, they took them off the shelves cos I think some other people mighta made a bigger deal, so least it saved them the hassle.
Reply 15
Working in a restaurant, I know we've found centipedes and things in the fresh lettuce we get in from the supplier - for some reason, it tends to happen with staff meals (although not with me :biggrin:), but occasionally (I am talking like 3 or 4 incidents in a year), we get a customer complaining.

The salad is definately prepared correctly, washed and drained, but when you're getting fresh food in, these things can happen. We've never had anyone make a massive fuss anyway :smile:
Reply 16
I agree totally.....its disgustng...someone could've gotten really sick...but dont go over the top just make sure they get your point and know that you want something done about it.

Its a maggot, not a piece of uranium 236 ffs, its not going to make anyone sick.

Its natural, not disgusting, maggots eat crops, they will sometimes be found in vegetables and foodstuffs derived from.

Pull yourself together...its not like you found a piece of glass is it?
Reply 17
Its a maggot, not a piece of uranium 236 ffs, its not going to make anyone sick.

Its natural, not disgusting, maggots eat crops, they will sometimes be found in vegetables and foodstuffs derived from.

Pull yourself together...its not like you found a piece of glass is it?

So, you'd eat something that had a maggot in it?
Reply 18
You probably do a few times a year... Failing that, you'll likely be eating insects in your sleep :smile:
Reply 19
I seriously doubt eating a maggot would kill you or do you any harm for that matter :rolleyes: (what do you think happens to people who accidently swallow them while fishing?). In fact they should charge you more for the additional protein :p:
