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Hating my appearance

Im 19 male, I have been depressed over the years because of my looks. I can never take a good picture and am constantly avoiding mirrors incase i catch a glimpse of how ugly i look. Other people have said the same thing, that i look average or ugly. :frown:

My eyes are not symeterical and my nose is far too big for my face. Very few, if any people have ever fancied me for my looks (nobody gives me a second look). I even posted a couple of good pictures of myself on and both got a miserable 8.0, with lots of 1's,2's and 5's and this just prooves how bad i really am. :frown:

Add to that my personality being shy and a bit quiet, i have a few good friends who are all much better looking and they always get second looks, i feel like the ugly duckling when im with them and sometimes they make sarcastic jokes about my looks. Yes im insecure but its because people have made me this way. I hate walking past good looking girls and hate to imagine what they are thinking. i sound vain i know im sorry for that.

Im really scared that im gonna be lonely all my life. How can i be happy with my appearance?

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isnt 8 good, a lot of peoples looks are down to what they do to themselves. Get a very good haircut, good clothes etc and bad looks can be forgiven pretty easily.
I just did a quick Google search for "feeling happy with your appearance".
Reply 3
Reply 4
it's worth buying some clothes that make you feel really good about yourself, some really flattering items :smile:

find something about your face, or body that you like, and make a big deal of it. invest in a good hair cut too, it can work wonders! :smile:
Reply 5
laugh and be happy, nobody is going to want to talk to someone who looks miserable - a smile can work wonders
Reply 6
i think you just have to try to accept that this is you, you only get one life (unless you believe otherwise lol) and you need to try to make the most of it, not spend your whole life trying to change or wishing you looked differently. i know it seems hard and it might take a long time for you to be happy with yourself, but really, as long as you're alive and healthy, you have friends/ family/people to talk to, you should be grateful for that. looks aren't as important as you think.

sorry to be so blunt lol i just think it's good to look at the bigger picture sometimes, it really does help. you probably just need to get out of yourself a bit more, concentrate on other more positive things in your life, try not to focus on how you look so much.
i was born an ugly baby and was ugly for a long time afterwards so i kinda learnt 2 base my confidence on my personality and not my face..iv got a cousin who is in all the normal ways quite ugly but all she has 2 do is smile and u realise she's actually quite beautiful...not her face but who she is!
Reply 8
I even posted a couple of good pictures of myself on and both got a miserable 8.0, with lots of 1's,2's and 5's and this just prooves how bad i really am. :frown:

Since when is an 8 bad? So you're not a 9 or a 10, big deal. What a few people rated you on hotornot is not proof of any kind that you're ugly. That site is very fickle - if you're not the most attractive person you're immediately a 1 and if you're female and not wearing much no matter how fat or ugly you are you will be rated a 10. SO ignore that please.

The only way you're going to become more attractive to others is by believing it yourself. So even if you feel like you look like absolute crap go out with your head held high and a smile on your face - fake it! The more you fake it the more you start to believe it yourself, trust me. I'm sure most people have been insecure about the way they look at one point in their life so you're not alone. Just learn to make the most of what you've got - dress nicely, get a decent haircut, etc but really all you need to do is tell yourself you're hot. It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, the more you tell yourself that the more you will start to believe it and other people's views of you will reflect this.
Reply 9
That site is very fickle - if you're not the most attractive person you're immediately a 1 and if you're female and not wearing much no matter how fat or ugly you are you will be rated a 10. SO ignore that please.

rep for that!
hotornot isnt really a great website anyway, its a a joke more than anything (i scored 9.5 lmao) so dont really pay too much attention to it.
Get a haircut that suits you properly so go toni and guys or something, get some proper cloves to suit your frame and build. Also smile its the best thing you can do, an ugly person with zero confidence radiates it. You may not be the most psychically attractive person but if your confident it will help a nabsolute ton
Reply 11
Not everything has to do with looks. There is a guy at my work, who I admit, I didn't think was very attractive when I first met him but who I became attracted to when I got to know him.
The best thing to do would be to dress well and do a lot of the things that you enjoy doing. When people look like they are having fun and are happy, it makes them more attractive to others.
post the hotornot link, let me judge...

all you need to do is be individual.. if you look like every other ugly nervous person theres no way to distinguish you..dress differently and be confident in yourself.
Imagine the best you could possibly look. Accept that this is not so bad. Strive to get there. Get a cool haircut and some new clothes.

But people look physically attractive when they are happy inside. Try to imagine yourself as being hollow inside...
About having a symmetrical face...human faces aren't meant to be exactly symmetrical.
Reply 15
Imagine the best you could possibly look. Accept that this is not so bad. Strive to get there. Get a cool haircut and some new clothes.

But people look physically attractive when they are happy inside. Try to imagine yourself as being hollow inside...

rep coming your way for that when I can give it :smile:
Get a very good haircut, good clothes etc and bad looks can be forgiven pretty easily.

:biggrin: OP's gonna feel great now!
Im 19 male, I have been depressed over the years because of my looks. I can never take a good picture and am constantly avoiding mirrors incase i catch a glimpse of how ugly i look. Other people have said the same thing, that i look average or ugly. :frown:

My eyes are not symeterical and my nose is far too big for my face. Very few, if any people have ever fancied me for my looks (nobody gives me a second look). I even posted a couple of good pictures of myself on and both got a miserable 8.0, with lots of 1's,2's and 5's and this just prooves how bad i really am. :frown:

Add to that my personality being shy and a bit quiet, i have a few good friends who are all much better looking and they always get second looks, i feel like the ugly duckling when im with them and sometimes they make sarcastic jokes about my looks. Yes im insecure but its because people have made me this way. I hate walking past good looking girls and hate to imagine what they are thinking. i sound vain i know im sorry for that.

Im really scared that im gonna be lonely all my life. How can i be happy with my appearance?

Dude, girls dont base attraction entirely on looks. When I first met my girlfriend, I had horrible acne. I took accutane to get rid of it, had beautiful skin and she didnt like me any more. In fact, she dumped me.
Reply 18
Pretty Boy
I seen another thread where you were saying you're self-conscious about how you look - WHY? judgin by ur photo (if thats you), you have nothing to worry about lol

I'm a girl. Nuff said :p:
damn squirrly, youre fine :p: