The Student Room Group
Reply 1
leave it to the fresh air and keep it clean, untill it heals
Reply 2
Yea but it looks disgusting, is there any special way of covering things like this lol?
Reply 3
Before you go to bed put tooth paste on your spot and leave it on there all night. At first it makes yuor spot go dry but it really really really works!!!

Reply 4
Yea but it looks disgusting, is there any special way of covering things like this lol?

Have a look in Boots, brands such as Botanics do concealers that are also designed to treat the spots.
Reply 5
Before you go to bed put tooth paste on your spot and leave it on there all night. At first it makes yuor spot go dry but it really really really works!!!


I tried that once ...It really stung! Just leave it be and it will go away, no one will notice it.

I guess suggesting a paper bag over the head wouldnt be very constructive...
Hi, I have a spot that has turned into like a scab (sorry) and when I put concealer on it just makes it look more disgusting. Any ideas:redface:

Turned into a scab? You should really stop scratching/picking at it then. Leave it alone, and wash regularly, and exfoliate as well, and it'll sort itself out.
Use some tea tree oil or witch hazel to dry it out and get rid of any pus/infection.
i'll just bear with it for a day or two.
If I ever get a dried out spot, I put some moisturiser on it, leave it to sink in for a few minutes then dab the tiniest bit of concealer onto it, not too much or it will sand out even more! If there's any loose dry skin on it, you might want to try exfoliating it ever so gently, but be careful of making it bleed, as that's even more difficult to cover!!
Reply 10
The only thing I've found that seems to conceal spots properly for me is mineral's like powdery stuff that turns into cream on your skin and you can get it off ebay and places like If you get a little eyeshadow brush and dip it into the powder you can paint it on without it looking cakey or sliding off the spot.

Also it doesn't clog pores, which is a bonus.